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饮鸩止渴,不能因为口渴就拼命喝毒药。The remedy is worse than the, cannot because thirsty run drink poison.

毕竟,解决就业难的问题,千万不能饮鸩止渴。After all, we cannot drink poison to quench thirst when it comes to jobs.

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为了减少赤字而削减科技经费无异于饮鸩止渴。To cut science funding in order to cut the deficit is actually self-defeating.

有人曾经说过愤怒就像饮鸩止渴而希望敌人会死去。Someone once said that anger is like drinking poison and hoping your enemy will die.

事实上,它不过是饮鸩止渴,给一个深深沉迷于毒品的病人另一剂毒品。In fact, it’s another potent fix given to a sick patient deeply addicted to the dangerous drug of debt.

同时,沪上知名开发商认为,土地典当不仅救不了房地产企业的命,而且更似饮鸩止渴。Hushang renowned developers that land hock real estate enterprises can not only save lives, but also may create.

而这种泡沫终究是要破灭的,指望靠炒房者来刺激本地经济增长,其危害无异于饮鸩止渴。This bubble must in the end be dashed, who expect to rely on Real to stimulate local economic growth, its harm is tantamount to doing.

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制度的改进只能依靠政权自身的民主和理性力量。承认“腐败有益论”是饮鸩止渴。Systematic improvement could only depend on the democracy and rational power of regime itself, so admit "on corrupt benefit" is helpless.

制假不能真正致富,无异于饮鸩止渴!党和国家鼓励人民致富,富民强国一直是我们的奋斗目标。Make a holiday cannot become rich truly, as good as at drink poison to quench thirst-seek temporary relief regardless of the consequences!

而这种“饮鸩止渴式的权利与制度安排”所呈现出的规范与事实上的各种问题,也正昭示了我国在走向法治国家的现阶段所面临的困境以及困境中暗含的契机。All this shows that the system of letters and visits is in a tight corner, implying a chance at the present period walking up to the rule of law.

周福良担心,随着房地产的开发建筑成本大幅上涨,开发商降价简直是在饮鸩止渴。Zhou Liang worried that with the development of real estate construction costs rise, developers in the price is drinking poison to quench thirst.

在杭州,开发商连饮鸩止渴式的典当原始融资方式都不放过,对接海外基金更成为不少开发企业“减压”的首选。In Hangzhou, the developers even create original style hock financing are not, as many more overseas funds docking enterprise development "pressure" preferred.

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足协极有可能复制阎王当年取消降级这种饮鸩止渴的谋略,然后再雪上加霜地缩减一个冲超名额。Football is very likely to copy the abolition of Yama was demoted this strategy of drinking poison to quench thirst, and then further reduced to a Chongchao places.

我们从一开始就不希望饮鸩止渴地依靠携程,我们的合作还是比较少的。We from do not hope support of ground of drink poison to quench thirst-seek temporary relief regardless of the consequences carries Cheng at the beginning, our cooperation is less still.

亲爱的朋友,如果你或你的亲人朋友有上述情况,请一定要抵制咖啡的诱惑,此时喝咖啡无异于饮鸩止渴。Dear friends, if you or your loved ones a friend has the above, be sure to resist the temptation of coffee, a cup of coffee at this time is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst.