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隋炀帝本人就是一个汉族与鲜卑族的混血帝王。Sui Yangdi is a mixed blood emperor between Han and Xianbei.

吉林省是汉族,满族,回族,蒙古族和鲜卑族的聚集地。Jilin is inhabited by Han Chinese, Manchus , Hui, Mongols and Xibe.

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同时也为慕容鲜卑封建政权的建立奠定了基础。Simultaneously had also laid the foundation for the Murong Hsien-Pi feudalism regimes.

考其族源,这是一支匈奴与鲜卑婚媾,而以匈奴为主的民族共同体。Rail mandrax Huns is a mixed national Community marriaged to Xianbei, but based on Huns.

铁弗匈奴是一支匈奴与鲜卑混合,而以匈奴为主的民族共同体。Hun of Tiefu was a Common in race mixed with Hun and Xianbei but regarded Hun as principle.

慕容鲜卑为东部鲜卑的一个分部,是东胡的后裔。Murong Xianbei is a branch of the Eastern Xianbei, the descendant of the ancient Donghu ethnic group.

北朝时期,鲜卑妇女的爱情和婚姻观念比较放达。The concept of matrimony of Xianbei's women was very open during the period of the Northern Dynasties.

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本文叙述了鲜卑族从东北迁往西北的过程及其影响。This article recounted the process and effect that Xianbei nationality moved from the northeast to the northwest.

通过对供养人服饰的分析,发现西魏285窟供养人既有鲜卑服,又有汉式服饰,并出现了胡汉结合的样式。We found they not only have Xianbei costumes, but also Han costumes, sometimes even the combination between Hu&han.

他欲借鲜卑族政权来推行儒学,这预示了胡汉文化在其身上发生冲突的必然性。As an advocate of Confucianism, he was bound to become a victim to the conflict between the Han and Xianbi cultures.

鲜卑民族原来是没有孝悌观念的,孝悌观念在全社会重新树立起来是从孝文帝时期才开始的。The filial concept did not exist in Nationality Xianbei, and it has been set up since the the period of Emperor Xiaowen.

由于内部矛盾或其他民族的衰落,促使鲜卑各部逐渐迁入西北地区。For internal contradictory and other nationalities' decline, all tribes of Xianbei gradually moved to the northwest area.

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在满洲鲜卑族慕容燕国的帮助下,赵国在打败了入侵的冉闵军队。The Zhao finally managed to defeat the invading army of Ran Min with the help of Murong Yan state of Xianbei in Manchuria.

秦汉至元明时期,匈奴、鲜卑、契丹、女真、蒙古等少数民族曾先后在此游牧。From the Qin and Han Dynasties to the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, some minority nationalities had nomadic life in this region.

在各少数民族中,鲜卑族建立的北魏对音乐文化的发展作出了较大的贡献。In the minority, established the Northern Wei Xianbei ethnic music and cultural development has made a greater contribution.

以慕容鲜卑为代表的鲜卑族,是这一时期民族融合的典型代表。Take the Murong Hsien-Pias representative of Hsien-Pi Nationality, is typical representative who this time nationality fuses.

吴族源于东胡鲜卑系统,早期居住于辽西,起初是一个以射猎、游牧为生的部族。Wu Tung-Xianbei ethnic origin, early HabitatIn the western Liaoning Province, was initially a Shooters , living the nomadic tribes.

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乌桓因与鲜卑在生活习性的相近和势力的相当,双方时而在军事上结成联盟,时而冲突不断。Xianbei and Wuhuan show with similar life habits and considerable forces, both sides sometimes in the military alliance, and sometimes conflict.

北朝鲜卑族建立的少数民族政权,其宗法观念、继承制度与汉王朝基本一致。In North dynasty, Hsienpei people founded an ethnic political power, which patriarchal idea and inheritance systems were the same as Han dynasties.

客观地讲,孝文帝改革对北魏历史、对鲜卑族的发展都起到了较大的推动作用,将北魏的民族融合进程推向了历史的新高潮。Be objectively, the reformation brought development to both the dynastic and Xianbei history, and catalyzed nationalities integration to a new stage.