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重新派神杀死他。Re sends the gods to slay him.

新派神学的衰落和消亡。The decline and death of liberalism.

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百分之四十三属于新派的类型。Forty -three percent belonged to the New Breed.

让位吧,高中橄榄球队四分卫,现在城里的新派酷哥是“极客”。Move over, high school quarterback. The geek is the new cool kid in town.

本文主要研究新派海门话的语音变化。This thesis mainly researches the phonetic changes of new Haimen Dialect.

为弘扬中国饮食文化、打造新派湘菜品牌。Catering to carry forward the Chinese culture, creating New School Restaurant brand.

贺治,华尔费德是19世纪,美国教会面对新派神学的护教领袖。Hodge and Warfield were the leaders in apologetic vs. liberal theology, in 19th century.

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改编自新派武侠小说名家温瑞安先生的首部经典大作。It is adopted from the first classic of Mr. Wan Ray-an, a master of new style of martial arts novels.

若有人告诉我所有的运动派或称“新派”无神论者都持这一观点,我倒也不意外。But then I wouldn't be surprised to learn that all "new" or movement atheists match that description too.

国内新派金属开山之祖夜叉乐队成军十五年首次全国巡演将于2010铿锵上演。YAKSA band, the pioneer of new metal style music in China, will be on their first national road show in 2010.

国内新派金属开山之祖夜叉乐队成军十五年首次全国巡演将于2010铿锵上演。YAKASA band, the pioneer of new metal style music in China, will be on their first national road show in 2010.

歌词具有中国文化内涵,使用新派唱法和编曲技巧烘托歌曲氛围。Lyrice with Chinese culture, the use of a new breed of singing and song arrangement skills heighten atmosphere.

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指出犯罪中止的产生与发展是以近代刑法理论两大学派——旧派与新派之争为历史背景的。Secondly, beginning with the history of crime termination, the author explains the origin and the development of it.

一师校长是新派人物,首先采用了白话文教科书。The principal of Jinan First Normal School was a New side figure who first adopted schoolbook written in the vernacular.

很多新派建筑林立在校园古老的建筑群中,这让我想起我在西班牙的巴塞罗那旅行参观的经历。I saw some newly built buildings mingle with the old ones, which remind me of my architecture I took in Barcelona, Spain.

原汁原味的本地特色菜,海鲜、燕鲍翅等高档粤菜,热辣湘菜,新派川菜等。Authentic local culture dishes, seafood, Yan Bao Chi, and other high-end Cantonese, hot Xiangcai, New Sichuan style, and so on.

蒋既不能一心维护中国的旧派势力,也不能一心支持中国的新派力量,因此他就既得不到洋人的欢心,也得不到中国旧派人士的欢心。Because he could be loyal neither to the old China nor to the new China, Chiang was disliked by foreigners and by old-style Chinese.

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本文调查的对象为年青人,因次得出的实验结论属于张家界市城区方言中的新派。In this dissertation, most of the investigators are young people, so a new dialect approach in the city of Zhangjiajie is concluded.

但他也指出,0.12美元的新派息远低于去年2月前该公司每季0.31美元的派息水准.Still, he noted the new 12 cent dividend was far below the 31 cents per quarter the company paid its shareholders before February 2009.

因着新派神学人士否认圣经无误,神兴起人与这些自由派对抗,加尔文主义就传播开了。Calvinism was spread through the denial of the inerrancy of Scripture by theolohical liberals as God raised up men to stand against them.