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女孩倚靠在书桌上。The girl leaned on the desk.

我倚靠衪必不惧怕。I will trust and not be afraid.

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缩着翅膀,安心倚靠。Fold thy wings and trust and rest.

那病弱者倚靠在枕头上。The invalid lay propped on the pillows.

她轻轻地倚靠在他肩上。She leaned lightly against his shoulder.

一株野生的甜豌豆攀附而上,倚靠着它。A feral sweet pea clings to it for support.

不要倚靠在那个架子上,你会后悔的。Don't lean on that shelf! You'll regret it.

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当献上公义的祭,又当倚靠耶和华。Offer right sacrifices and trust in the Lord.

大卫却倚靠耶和华他的神、心里坚固。But David found strenghth in the Lord his GOD.

倚靠着你,我在睡眠中消磨漫漫长日?And leaning against you, I sleep long days away?

我们也要来看看如何凭信心倚靠神,面对现实。And we’ll see how to address reality with faith.

希罗闭上了眼睛,向后倚靠着祭坛。Hiro closed his eyes, leaning back into the altar.

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我看不过是虚话,你到底倚靠谁,才背叛我呢?On whom are you depending, that you rebel against me?

她在那儿倚靠着海绵橡胶垫坐着。She sat there, reclined against a foam rubber cushion.

埃及王法老向一切倚靠他的人也是这样。Such is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all who depend on him.

布莱克松倚靠着院子里的一颗木桩,坐在温暖的阳光下。Blackthorne sat in the warm sun, leaning against a post.

但是眼下我们进步了,我们要倚靠文化产业。Now we have to move on and live by the culture industry.

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她闭上眼睛,倚靠在芒果树的枝干上。She closes her eyes and leans back on the mangoes' bark.

我们的心必靠他欢喜,因为我们向来倚靠他的圣名。In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name.

你们休要倚靠世人,他鼻孔里不过有气息。Stop trusting in man, who has but a breath in his nostrils.