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这是在谋杀我。It's killing me.

谁谋杀了这一切?Who murdered all these?

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当时,他为甚麽要谋杀胞弟呢?And why did he murder him?

绑架,甚至谋杀。Kidnapping and even murder.

他们控告他谋杀。They accused him of murder.

谋杀和诈骗是犯罪的行为。Murder and grift are crimes.

少数人模糊地谈起了关于谋杀。A few spoke darkly of murder.

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黛安是一年前被谋杀的。Diana was murdered a year ago.

他因为权力而谋杀了别人。He murdered someone for power.

谋杀和诈骗是犯罪的行为。Murder and swindling are crimes.

记者们纷纷赶往谋杀现场。Media flocked to the murder site.

掩盖了自杀事件——可能是谋杀”。suicide cover-up—possible murder.

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他亲眼目睹了这场谋杀。He witnessed in person the murder.

说不定是他谋杀了马格娜诺。Maybe he murdered Solange Magnano.

多萝西以上帝的名义谋杀。Dorothy Murders in the name of god.

“这是一种比谋杀更邪恶的犯罪。”中国社科院教授于建嵘。It is a crime more evil than murder

你认为她谋杀亲夫?。You think she murdered her husband?

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我跟那谋杀一点关系都没有。I had nothing to do with the murder.

马里特说这和谋杀没什么两样。Mallett says this is akin to murder.

谋杀犯肢解了尸体。The murderer dismembered the corpse.