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问题是市政府也没余粮了。The trouble is, the city is broke.

我们村没一家没余粮。Every family in our village has grain to spare.

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如果没有余粮可用,农民就不能自给自足。If no surplus is available, a farmer cannot be self- sufficient.

我们收的粮食刚够自己吃,没有余粮。We grow just enough food for ourselves to eat, with no surplus grain.

一个农民必须要有余粮才能持续养活自己和家人。He can continue to support himself and his family only if he produces a surplus.

1997年实行按保护价敞开收购农民余粮等政策。In 1997, we started buying at protective prices all surplus grain farmers were willing to sell.

供养流离失所的人有可能损害当地农民的利益,因为这样就没有人购买他们的余粮了。And if you feed the displaced you undercut the local farmers, who will have no buyers for their surplus.

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卡雷格瑞村的农民现在已经储存了足够的余粮和诸如木头这样的经济作物以熬过旱季。Kareygorou's farmers now have enough surplus food and cash crops like wood to see them through poor rains.

根据特拉华州法律成立的美国粮食供应公司负责粮食和其他商品的采购以稳定价格和余粮储备。The United States Grain Corporation, organized under the laws of Delaware, bought food and other commodities to fix prices and store surpluses.

我们刚够自己吃的,没有余粮,我们不交农业税了,但生活也没变得好多少。We grow just enough food for ourselves to eat, with no surplus grain. We don't have to pay the grain tax anymore, but our lives aren't much better.

我们走进一家茶馆,屋里蛛网密布,泥地上有粪污,墙角垛着一袋袋粮食,说明这店主有不少余粮过年。It was festooned with cobwebs, the dirt floor was sprinkled with manure and the corners of the room were filled with bags of grain, denoting a New Year surplus for the shop owner.