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他们是在法国和美国橡木桶中陈放的。They are aged in French and American oak.

可即时饮用或陈放2年后饮用更显完美。Ready to drink or age to perfection in 2 years.

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十分出色的酒,陈放五年后饮用最佳。It is an excellent wine, and best to taste if stored for five years.

1985年陈酿在橡木桶中陈放已有22年,酒的结构稳定,口味极为圆柔。The wine of 1985 vintage has cached in white oak barrels for 22 years.

日耳曼人以及凯尔特人带来了燃烧现象大块柴木、品尝糕饼、陈放枞树等礼俗。The Yule log, cakes, and fir trees derive from German and Celtic customs.

这款赤霞珠已在法国和美国橡木桶中陈放了17个月。The reserve cabernet sauvignon has been aged in French and American oak for 17 months.

经过在橡木桶中陈放两年之后,此酒呈现出独特的金琥珀色。For two years the Grappa will stay in small oak casks where it obtains its characteristic amber golden color.

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此后葡萄酒还要陈放2个月从而获得更多的复杂性来加强口感。The wine was then kept on fine lees for a further 2 months to gain more complexity and enhance the mouthfeel.

北京之声和中国通讯社新华社称,毛的遗体会陈放于人民大会堂。Peking Radio and Hsinhua, the Chinese press agency, said Mao's body would be in state in the Great Hall of the People.

加本纳沙威隆,葡萄树龄8年,经人手采摘的优质葡萄,美国及法国旧橡木桶陈放6个月后再入瓶。Cabernet Sauvignon, Age of vines 8 years, Handpicked premium grade, stored in American &French Oak barrels 6 months before bottling.

梅洛,葡萄树龄13年,经人手采摘的优质葡萄,美国及法国旧橡木桶陈放12个月后再入瓶。Cabernet Sauvignon, Age of vines 13 years, Handpicked premium grade, stored in American &French Oak barrels 12 months before bottling.

研究了不同软化工艺条件下,弯曲木材试件的尺寸稳定性与陈放时间的关系。The article studies the relations between dimensional stability of curing samples and depositing time in different softening condition.

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冷藏肉制品和冷冻肉制品在储藏、运输和陈放期间要求冷链不间断,而货架寿命并不长。Chilled and frozen meat products require an uninterrupted cold chain during storage, transportation and display and have a short shelf life.

斯克空难的遇难者,波兰总统莱赫·卡钦斯基的遗体陈放于首都华沙供公众前来吊唁。The body of Polish President Lech Kaczynski is to lie in state in the capital Warsaw as the nation mourns the victims of the Smolensk air crash.

记忆里有一间小屋是专门用来陈放旧物的,尘封那个使你痛苦的年代,陈放你所有的奋斗的艰辛,陈放你夜里偷偷哭泣的泪水和流出的鼻血。The memory has a hut is used to display the old, dusty that make you miserable time, brings you all the hard struggle, some of you night crying tears and outflow.

此款酒精选优质霞多丽葡萄酿制而成,在法国橡木桶中储藏四个月,装瓶后再陈放四个月出窖。After fermentation the Chardonnay in French oak barrels, the wine was kept sur lies for four months and then bottle aged for a further four months prior to being released.

此酒用在家庭严格选择的优质土壤种植和有机酿酒葡萄酿造。在法国橡木桶陈放一年后装瓶。A strict selection of soils in the family estate as well as careful choice of the grapes are in the origin of this wine, kept in french oak casks for a year before bottling.

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口感新鲜,果香宜人,中度的酒体内呈现出结构良好的单宁,而且与酸度平衡得恰到好处,此酒陈放5-8年为宜。The palate is very clean and fruit friendly, medium body with firm but textured tannins. The wine has the ability to reward in the medium term, 5-8 years if cellared correctly.

本文探讨了用马尾松树皮胶压制室外型胶合板时,不同部位的树皮、不同增强剂、增强剂用量、单板涂胶后的陈放时间、热压压力等因素对胶合强度的影响。This paper describes the effects of various barks, reinforcing resins, keeping-time after lay-up and pressure on the bonding strength of plywood made from Masson pine bark adhesive.

带有核果及热带水果的芳香和口味,来自克莱尔谷带有橙味的典型的薏丝琳特质得到充分展现,并且随着在瓶中陈放时间的推移,将与回味中矿物质的味道达到完美的平衡。This wine has stone fruit and tropical fruit aromas and flavors. Lime characters are also present and will grow with time in the bottle to balance the evident mineral slaty finish nicely.