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两个久别重逢的爱人去了汽车旅馆。The reunited lovers rush to a motel.

久别重逢,他们非常高兴。They were pleased to meet after such a long separation.

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于是,他们先庆祝了一下久别重逢。Then they had a little celebration on finding each other.

指亲友或兄弟久别重逢,在一起亲切交谈。Refers to the long-awaited family and friends or brothers?

久别重逢,自是高兴。It was of course a delight for them to meet again after such a long separation.

两人久别重逢,自有许多话说。Having reunited after a long departure, the two certainly have a lot to talk about.

充实在银行大堂里我遇到以前的老师有了久别重逢的谈话。I am satisfied that I run into my teachers at the bank hall and do some long-due communication.

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泪水,笑容和由衷的快乐洋溢在久别重逢的欢声笑语中。There are tears and smiles, pure delight ringing in the laughter of seeing someone who has been gone.

久别重逢,格外亲切。People feel especially drawn to one another when they have been reunited after many years of separation.

仪式与庆典的心情,久别重逢、特别的日子等。Fourth, the ceremony and celebration's mood, meets again after a long separation, the special day and so on.

或许,我整理书籍得到的最大的快乐是一种惊喜或者更好的说是一种久别重逢的喜悦。Perhaps the greatest pleasure of re-organizing my books are the surprise—or better said, reunions —that occur.

久别重逢的吴永顺和黑子终于再见面,二人发誓联手夺回青龙山。Vincent ng and sunspot finally meet again meet after such a long separation, pledge to recapture qinglongshan.

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战场上的炮火和硝烟见证着这一对恋人久别重逢,悲喜交加的一幕。The battlefield of the fire and the smoke witness the couple met again after a long separation, bittersweet scene.

久别重逢让他们忧喜参半,帕德梅告诉阿纳金,她怀孕了,这使得事情越发复杂了。The reunion was bittersweet, for while Padmé brought Anakin the news that she was pregnant, this only complicated matters.

飞扑,虽说是一种能表达强烈感情的拥抱方式,但是最好是久别重逢时候使用,或者说你本来就是猴子,那么随便你扑。While very expressive, this hug should only be used when you haven't seen the other person in a very long time or if you are a monkey.

王璁已经进入了音乐的世界,她的演唱浪漫典雅,带给我们一种久别重逢的惊喜!She's come to the music world, her singing is romantic and elegant, she's brought us the surprise that we've been looking for a long time!

两人久别重逢,引起夏礼杰误会,巡捕房派人对他采取了二十四小时的保护措施。Two people meet after such a long separation, cause Xia Lijie misunderstanding, police station sent for him to take the measures on protection of 24 hours.

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好多加油站是我们福建人开的,虽然是莆田人,你一样可以感受到象久别重逢的亲人,哪乡音,哪乡情。Many filling stations were open we Fujian, although Putian, you can feel the same as the parting of reuniting loved ones, which accent, which Golden Source.

笼子里的雁伸出了它的头,那两只雁的颈就交缠在一起,就像人间夫妇久别重逢一样。The goose in the cage stuck out her head, and the two wild geese hugged each other around the neck, just like human couples meeting after a long separation.

听你诉说,清如天籁,身边就是一个久别重逢的好友,一个朝夕相处的亲人,温馨和谐,舒适惬意。You listen to the story, such as the Teana-ching, who is to meet again Jiubie a friend, a family day and night to get along, the warm harmony, happy and comfortable.