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你太盛气凌人了。You're too intimidating.

格林先生总是盛气凌人的样子。Mr Green is always on his high horse.

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我认为她盛气凌人、飞扬跋扈。I think she was arrogant, domineering.

那位部长对下级盛气凌人。The minister domineers over his inferiors.

这位矮小的、精明的、盛气凌人的杰拉尔德已经完成这一切。He had done it all, little, hard-headed, blustering Gerald.

从那以后,他尽力和工人打成左宜右有一片,从不盛气凌人。From then on, he tried to and workers mixed never overbearing.

贝拉盛气凌人,死死的盯住了他,高吊的双眉凶恶地皱在一起。The towering Bela's brows knit ominously as she glared down at him.

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他在法庭上那盛气凌人的样子把对方完全镇慑住了。His arrogant behaviours on court psyched his opponent out completely.

格林先生总是盛气凌人的样子。其实,他是个饭桶。Mr Green is always on his high horse. In fact, he is good for nothing.

如果我们容许别人对我们自己盛气凌人,那么我们应该责怪自己。If we allow others to ride roughshod over us, then we have ourselves to blame.

李先生是这个公司中极少数谦逊而不盛气凌人的人之一。Mr Lee is one of the very few modest, unassertive personalities in the company.

这些盛气凌人的人物往往相当自负,且极其重视个人荣耀。Such thrusting figures often possess considerable egos and want to maximise personal glory.

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你有能力维护自己的权威,还是让盛气凌人的做派占据上风呢?Will you be able to retain your authority, or will the most domineering personality prevail?

最后一天,她托辞不肯坐进他那辆摩托车的挎斗.,于是他扮演了盛气凌人的大男子汉角色。When she excused herself from riding with him on the last day he played the domineering male.

他有钱有势,蒙蔽了天下人的耳目,他那目空一切、盛气凌人的气派又吓坏了天下人。The world is blinded by his fortune and consequence, or frightened by his high and imposing manners.

没有多少人说她是社会上的势利眼,但是,很少有人否认她在智力上总显得盛气凌人。Not many people described her as a social snob , but there are few who deny she is an intellectual snob.

他的意思是布雷特有他自己的性格特征,和其他小孩一样,他的处事方式就是像推土机,横扫一切,盛气凌人。What he meant was that Brett had his ownpersonality, all kids do, and his style was that of a bulldozer.

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弗格森习惯于用一种有点盛气凌人、类似于谈论堂弟的姿态谈论曼城。Ferguson used to speak of City in the kind of slightly patronising way someone might refer to a little cousin.

而另一些人,即是多数人,都不喜欢安德烈公爵,认为他是个盛气凌人、冷淡、令人厌恶的人物。Others, the majority, did not like Prince Andrey, and regarded him as a sulky , cold, and disagreeable person.

宏伟的宫殿、盛气凌人的教堂、珍贵的军械所,光是这些就至少要花上半天的时间才能观光完。With its majestic palace, proud churches, and treasure-filled armory, it takes at least half a day to explore.