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在中国,刀和布匹被当作钱用。In China, cloth and knives.

他们在桌上把布匹拉开。They unrolled the cloth onto the table.

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在中国,刀和布匹被当作钱用。In china, cloth and knives were used as money.

印第安人用毛皮换取枪支和布匹。The Indians bartered furs for guns and cloths.

售货员从布匹上截下一大块。Tile salesman cut a large piece from the cloth.

十二件布匹、四条绯红色头巾、六顶帽子。He wore a woolly hat with a little red bobble on top.

这七个女儿个个都能织美丽的布匹。All his fairy daughters could weave beautiful clothes.

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请把注意力集中在我们寄给贵司的布匹样品的印花上。Please concentrate on theprintingwith our cloth sample we sent to you.

我们要采购配件,钮扣,拉链,布匹,衣服,巧克力。We want to buy Accessories, Buttons, Zippers , Cloth, Clothes, Chocolates.

他观察到布匹上任何一个瑕疵都会使整卷布报废。He observed that any flaw in the fabric rolls caused it to be sold for scrap.

布匹在装入木箱以前要用牛皮纸包好。The piece goods are to be wrapped in Kraft paper, then packed in wooden cases.

我从附近的窗饰店里要来了废弃的布匹样布图册。I got these from fabric sample books that were discarded by our local window-covering shop.

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哦,很内疚告诉你,我们发现你们寄送的布匹色彩搞错了。Well. Iwim sorry to inform you of this- but we got cloth thfor are very of the wrong color.

一种粗糙的棉质织物,有许多胶料,可用来使布匹变硬和装订书籍。A coarse cotton fabric heavily sized with glue, used for stiffening garments and in bookbinding.

她发明专利特殊的放射排列以及编排她的布匹的化学染色。She invented and patented special arrangements of mirrors and concocted chemical dyes for her draperies.

它因布匹上带着的一种天然的白色光泽而得名,在“diaper”在希腊语中有“白色”的意思。It was the white shining nature of the cloth that gave it the name because in Greek it had meant “white.”

老板和两个店员捧着满怀的棉布站在人行道上,他们一直在推销这些布匹。The proprietor and two clerks stood on the sidewalk with armfuls of bolts of cotton cloth they had been displaying.

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费萨那巴德,莱亚尔普尔巴基斯坦东北部的一座城市,在拉合尔以西。建于1892年,是布匹和谷物市场。人口1,092,000。A city of northeast Pakistan west of Lahore. Founded in1892, it is a cloth and grain market. Population, 1, 092, 000.

哦,库茹族的佼佼者呀,如果一个人在这一天捐赠了金子,布匹,或者其它任何物品,所获得的功劳都是不可磨灭的。Oh best of the Kurus, if one donates gold, cloth, or anything else on this day, the merit one obtains is imperishable.

最后,阿姿终于走出房间,手里拿著一匹非常漂亮的布,这是他所见过最漂亮的布匹。At last Otsu came out with a piece of beautiful cloth in her hands. It was the most beautiful cloth that Yohyo had ever seen.