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一首心曲,愿你事事如意!A song, and wish you all the best!

让我们献上祝福的心曲!Let us sing our heart of blessings.

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这个羞怯的小姑娘只背对裘一个人倾吐自己的心曲。To Jo alone did the shy girl tell her thoughts.

一起在视屏里静静的聆听心曲。Listen a heart song quietly in see hold together.

她喜欢听他们的心曲,特别是唐米在座的时候,那是有趣的。She liked to hear what they had to say, especially when Tommy was there.

还有的用不算悦耳的嗓音唱着它们自己的不成调的心曲。The others sang their tone of their mind in their not very arioso voice.

朋友能聆听到我的心曲,在我记忆褪色时为我唱。A friend hears the song in my heart and sings it to me when memory fails.

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对我而言,这是大自然赐予的令人难忘的静心曲。To me it was the reassuring sound of nature , trying not to be forgotten.

当生命无法找到一个歌者吟唱自己的心曲时,她就会诞生一位哲人来表达自己的心声。When life does not find a singer to sing her heart, she produces a philosopher to speak her mind.

朋友就是知道你的心曲,并在你忘词时,为你提示歌词的人。A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and sing it back to you have forgotten the world.

当你的朋友倾诉他的心曲,你不会害怕自己心中的"不",也不会掩抑你心中的"是"。When your friend speaks his mind you fear not the "nay" in your own mind, nor do you withhold the "ay."

祝福是真心意,不用千言,不用万语,默默唱着心曲,祝教师节日快乐!Blessing is the true heart, no words, no language, silently singing, and I wish the teacher happy holidays!

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找好友或亲人交流,尽诉心曲,大哭一场也无妨,尽情宣泄郁闷情绪。Exchange of friends or relatives to find the best of v. Heartsongs, cry it anyway, enjoy venting depressed mood.

星空刻下了时间的痕迹,又一年要过去了,在悦耳的钟声里,我把祝福的心曲为您奏响。Star is something which time traces, but also a year later, in the sweet bell inside, I played for you Heartsongs blessing.

并将确定二次有心曲面的主轴问题,归结为求J函数的逗留点问题。The problem to determine the principal axis of quadratic surface is summed up to be that of finding the stop point of J-function.

新春贺喜,祝福是份真心意,不用千言,不用万语,默默地唱首心曲。愿你岁岁平安,如意!Spring of electing, the blessing is a true heart, no words, no language, silently sing a heart melodies. Wish you peace and happiness, the best!

我能感到那是身心的最深处流出的纯净心泉,那是一个热情的歌者弹唱的关于自然、社会和人生的真诚心曲。I can feel it is a pure spring effluent from the deepest of her heart, an honest heart song of nature, society and life sung by a zealous singer.

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他讲得娓娓动听,不过除了坦陈心曲之外,还详细表明其他种种感情。他倾诉对她的柔情蜜意,同样也滔滔不绝地吐露自己的傲慢心情,谈得毫不逊色。He spoke well, but there were feelings besides those of the heart to be detailed, and he was not more eloquent on the subject of tenderness than of pride.

怀揣着一份期许,在秋的眉眼间,看生命的繁花,开满了岁月的轩窗,轻拾文字的诗心,让婉约的心事,在秋的柔曼的心曲里轻舞。Carries an expectation, in the autumn of facial features, looks at the life of the flowers, full of years the porch window, light up the writing of poem heart, make subtle mind.

他贪恋死亡对“文明世界”的破坏、侵犯和僭越,他藏匿在女性形象背后,用极端的感官刺激,来言说反叛的心曲。He clung to the destruction, impinge and arrogation of the civilization by death. Hiding behind the figures of women, he expressed his rebel mind with extreme sense stimulation.