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暂行条例在全中国统一实施。The Interim Regulations were uniformly implemented throughout China.

对于中小卖家来说,或许这次的暂行办法并没有想象中的可怕。For small sellers, perhaps the Interim Measures were not as terrible.

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中华人民共和国防止沿海水域污染暂行规定。Provisional Rules of Preventing Coast Water Pollution of the P. C. C.

然而,暂行规定并不容许中国新闻工作者享有同样的自由。The regulations do not allow similar freedoms for Chinese journalists.

SEC希望空头仓位披露的命令能够以一种暂行最终条例的形式继续起效而不被打断.The SEC intends the order to continue without interruption in the form of an interim final rule.

不动产登记暂行条例正式实施。The provisional regulations on the registration of immovable property were officially implemented.

现行车船税暂行条例及其实施细则规定,小型客车按360元至660元的税额幅度统一计征。According of existing interim law on vehicle and vessel taxes, minibus tax ranges from 360 yuan to 660 yuan.

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下面是对外贸易仲裁委员会仲裁程序暂行规定。The following is the provisional rules of arbitration procedure of the foreign trade arbitration commission.

暂行办法的实施,标志着中物院物资政府采购工作的全面启动和推行。The execution of the temporary regulation represents the start up and implement of government procurement in CAEP.

指定一个摄政者,他在下一个转世灵童成年前暂行统治。Typically, when the Dalai Lama dies, the royal court appoints a regent who rules until the next reincarnation comes of age.

仲裁应根据对外贸易仲裁委员会的仲裁程序暂行规定来进行。Arbitration shall be carried out according to the provisional rules of procedure of the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission.

罚没款票据的使用,应当符合罚款票据管理暂行规定。The use of the documents on fined or confiscated money shall conform to the interim provisions for the administration of fine documents.

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在这个新的暂行移民项目中,太平洋岛国民众可以通过短期招聘,特别是季节性生产、例如收获水果等方面的需求到澳大利亚工作。Under the new test program, islanders would be recruited on a short-term basis, particularly in seasonal industries such as fruit picking.

贯彻实施新修订的增值税以及营业税、消费税暂行条例,全面实施增值税转型改革。We will enforce the newly revised interim regulations on value-added tax, business tax and excise tax, and comprehensively implement VAT reform.

执行新的耕地占用税暂行条例及其实施细则。The new provisional regulations for tax on farmland used for nonagricultural purposes and detailed rules for their implementation were instituted.

我国已经建立CDM的管理机构,颁布了“清洁发展机制项目运行管理暂行办法”。China has already established its CDM and issued the "Interim Measures for Operation and Management of Clean Development Mechanism Projects in China".

征得国务院的同意,我们引进了关于试建中外合资旅游机构的暂行办法。A provisional practice for the trial establishment of Sino-foreign joint-venture travel agencies was introduced with the approval of the State Council.

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尽管民政部在2003年颁布了鼓励家庭寄养儿童的管理暂行办法,家庭收养在中国仍处于起步阶段。Although the Ministry of Civil Affairs issued a regulation to encourage families to take in foster children in 2003, family foster care is still new in China.

对于注册会计师执业责任的鉴定,中注协出台的中国注册会计师执业责任鉴定委员会暂行规则相关规定的内容值得商榷。Regarding CPA legal liability appraisal, the related contents in provisional rule of Chinese CPA legal liability appraisal council should be open to deliberation.

在宪政体制下,政党取得和执掌政权具有合法性、间接性和暂行性的特点。Under the system of institutional government, a political party's obtaining and holding the state power has the feature of legality, indirectness and temporariness.