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黑与白是截然相反的。Black and white are opposite.

虽然这两种是截然相反的衣服,So it's kind of the polar opposites,

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这就是跟「升华」截然的不同。This is the whole difference to sublimation.

他们的政治信念截然相反。Their political beliefs are at opposite poles.

他和他弟弟生活方法截然差别。He and his brother have quite different life-styles.

马丁•索瑞尔爵士认为,现实与此截然相反,全球各国没有领军国家,处于“零政府”状态。Instead, the world had no leadership, a "G Zero", he said.

就这一句话便包含着无数截然相反的意念。Encompassed in that one sentence is a myriad of opposed ideas.

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这和π轨道,是截然相反的。This is in direct contrast to when we're thinking about pi bonds.

赫基的观点与高盛集团的吉姆·奥尼尔的观点截然相反。Mr Hickey's view is poles apart from Jim O'Neill at Goldman Sachs.

内战给本特利一家的命运带来截然的转变。The Civil War brought a sharp turn to the fortunes of the Bentleys.

何谓义?条理之截然不可乱者,其著也。What is justice? of completely non-structured chaos, their book also.

管理的目的在于建立生意,而市场营销则要求塑造品牌,这两者正好截然相反。Marketing wants to build a brand. The two are often diametrically opposed.

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这些边疆人与南方贵族截然相反。These frontier men were the precise opposites of the tidewater aristocrats.

我们所学的科学知识与此结论是截然冲突的。All that we learn from science militates decisively against that conclusion.

周代的封国是否城邦?学术界有截然相反的两种看法。Are the Zhou's Fengguoes city states?There are two opposite viewpoints on it.

但投资界和科技界的观点截然相反。But others in the investment and tech communities continue to argue otherwise.

香农说,卡斯特罗患病这一事实可能会导致多种截然相反的事态发展。Shannon said Castro's illness presents several contrasting scenarios for Cuba.

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现在的她和未出柜时的自己那种“不问,不说”的状态真是截然相反。She is the opposite extreme of her once closeted "don't ask, don't tell" self.

这部影片也没有简单地将现实主义元素与带有奇幻色彩的元素截然分开。Nor does the film simply separate its realistic elements from its fantastic ones.

美苏两国政府从这里得出了截然相反的结论。The American and Soviet governments drew diametrically opposite conclusions from it.