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晚起床的人必须整天都要急步疾走。He that rises late, must trot all day.

比方说,你可以尝试着每天疾走,参加瑜伽课,用新鲜水果代替饼干,或和朋友分享大餐。Try a yoga class. Trade cookies for fresh fruit.

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驴开始快速疾走,然后奔跑。The donkey began to trot faster , then to gallop.

我们也看到艾朗。伦农疾走30码去截球。We also saw Aaron Lennon run 30 yards to get a block in.

又如赴敌之兵衔枚疾走,不闻号令,但闻人马之行声。No orders were heard but the traveling sound of the troop.

但提到驱动力,确切说来大象没办法疾走。When it comes to locomotion, elephants are not exactly fleet of foot.

交警九哥有个习惯,只在马路中央疾走。Make the police nine brother has a habit, just in the middle of the road.

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象工作者蚂蚁他们冲和疾走好象世界是在末端。Like worker ants they rush around and scurry as if the world is at an end.

暗夜在它阴郁的梦魇中疾走,在大地上撒下缕缕蓝色的穗缨。The night gallops on its shadowy mare shedding blue tassels over the land.

趴在窗户上,默默观察着城市中疾走的人群。I bent over the window, silently watching the fleet-footed people in the city.

我很久以前看过“疾走罗拉”这部电影,但是结尾怎么回事我还是不太明白。I saw the movie Run Lora Run a long time ago. I'm a little fuzzy about what happens in the end.

当你昂首挺胸疾走的时候,亲爱的朋友,请留神那脚下的石坎或断沟。Rush heads held high when you time, dear friends, please pay attention at the foot of the ditch or off.

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一个十尺高的侏儒形态的机械站在你面前嘲笑着,发出沉闷的声响并使用蒸汽动力快步疾走着。A technological mockery of a 10-foot-tall gnome stands before you, clunking and whirling with steam power.

在和我们志同道合的朋友匆忙的交谈中,我们是疾走远离税吏的法利赛人。In the rush to confer with our "like-minded" friends, we are Pharisees scurrying away from the tax collector.

一天下来心情起伏低落,天空中的云儿一会疾走似飞,一会静走似空!Fluctuations depressed mood one day, the sky seems to fly in the weather for a Rush, might go for a static air!

因为绝大部分的长尾叶猴是栖在树上的,他们往往是疾走出没在沙漠悬崖上或者是栖息在附近的屋顶上。Since most langurs are tree dwellers, these often scamper high on the desert cliffs or perch on nearby rooftops.

她们疾走职场,信步人生,有世事练达的智慧,也有烂漫天真的赤子之心。They scurry workplace, wander in life, there are world urbanity of wisdom, also have brilliant naive pure heart.

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我最喜欢的部分是看他们在一个叫做争论的游戏里把“凝胶状的草食动物疾走”这个短语表现出来。My favorite part was watching them act out the phrase “gelatinous herbivores scurrying” during a game called Debate.

亿万道电光在云端疾走,交锋,搏斗,激起一片震天动地的雷声,仿佛要把这座山城炸开。一场暴雨随时等候着雷公的派遣。And the mountain town, almost split apart by the wrath of His Mightiness , awaited the storm that might come in no time.

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