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湖南是一个人杰地灵,景色秀美的地方。Hunan is a place of greatness and beauty.

生物起源地,秀美青海湖!Biological origin, beautiful Qinghai Lake!

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这些纤细秀美的柱子叫爱奥尼柱。These slender columns are called ionic columns.

跳舞会使年轻的女子更秀美更健康。Danc can make young girls more slender and healthy.

腿粗MM何时能穿裙子秀秀美腿?Leg thick MM when can wear skirts show beautiful leg?

共和国,地大物博、风光秀美。Republic, the vast territory and abundant, beautiful scenery.

中山陵园风景区景色秀美,是享誉海内外的世界级景区。The Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum area is a world-famous scenic spot.

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⊙、溪流的秀美是因为它脚下的路坎坷不平。Streams of beautiful because it is at the foot of the rocky road.

橘子郡的海滩是加尼福尼亚最秀美的海滩的发祥地。Orange County is home to some of the most scenic beaches in California.

溪流的秀美是因为它脚下的路坎坷不平。The stream is beautiful because it is at the foot of the road is bumpy.

你的两腮因发辫而秀美,你的颈项因珠串而华丽。Thy cheeks are comely with rows of jewels, thy neck with chains of gold.

她虽然头上脸上沾满了煤灰草屑,但不掩其秀美之色。Soot and grass pieces covered her face, but couldn't take away her beauty.

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你两鬓的头发多么秀美,像珠宝链子绕着脖子。Thy cheeks are comely with plaits of hair, Thy neck with strings of jewels.

径山,位于杭州余杭的西部,是一座历史悠久、高峻秀美的山川。Jingshan is a graceful mountain, which located in the west of YuHang region.

建筑位于灵岩山风光秀美的山林从中。Building is located in beautiful mountain scenery Yeongam from the mountains.

实现以山川秀美为标志的生态文明社会。Ecological society civilization were realized for mark of landscape graceful.

退耕还林使这个地区又恢复了昔日的秀美。The move to return grain for green has got this area back to its former beauty.

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南澳岛不仅景色秀美,还保存了众多的史迹。Nanaodao is not only beautiful scenery, but also saved a large number of relics.

大明湖历史悠久,景色秀美,名胜古迹周匝其间。Large Siminghu a long history, stunning scenery and landmarks Zhouza the meantime.

如果说北方的山是豪迈﹑厚重的,那么桂林的山则显得妩媚﹑秀美。If the north mountain is a heroic, thick, then guilin mountain is charming, beautiful.