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只是一场阵雨而已。It's only a shower.

阵雨涤荡了空中飞扬的灰尘。The shower laid the dust.

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阵雨过后,空气清新。A shower settled the dust.

一场阵雨于尘埃不再飞扬。A shower has laid the dust.

属于阳光也属于阵雨。Of sunshine and of showers.

响雷之后必有阵雨!There is rain after thunder.

周日下了一场短时阵雨。A small shower fell on Sunday.

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我们在一场阵雨中全身湿透了。We were soaked in a rain shower.

阵雨涤荡了空中飞扬的灰尘。The truck kicked a cloud of dust up.

阵雨越来越小,最后变成了毛毛雨。The shower tailed off into a drizzle.

四月阵雨带来五月花。April showers bring forth May flowers.

今天有阵雨,带上雨伞吧。It's showery today. Take an umbrella with you.

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阵雨后网球场容易碾平。The tennis courts rolled easily after the shower.

在夏季阵雨中散步,不要打伞。Walk in a summer rain shower without an umbrella.

我爱你,就像渴了的小鸭爱淋着突如其来的阵雨。I love you as the thirsty duck loves a sudden shower.

我给绿叶和阵雨带来鲜花。"I bring fresh flowers to the leaves and showers."...

杰夫正被一场阵雨困住,浑身湿透了。Jeff was caught in the rain and got soaked to the bone.

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下完这阵雨我才会爬那座山。Only after this rain passes will I climb that mountain.

阵雨过后,太阳从云端探了出来。After the shower, the sun emerged from behind the clouds.

天气预报说晚上会有阵雨。The weather forecast says there‘ll be showers this evening.