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要门票还是通票?。Admission-only or all-inclusive?

请问买一张去烟台的通票票价是多少?。How much is a through ticket to Portsmouth?

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购买巴黎博物馆通票也可以进卢浮宫。The Louvre is also covered by the Paris Museum Pass.

请问买一张去烟台的通票票价是多少?Do you know how much the fare is for a through ticket to yantai?

它是一张通票。这个确实不错。And it's an all-inclusive ticket. That's really good thing to do.

请问买一张去烟台的通票票价是多少?。Do you know how much the fare be for a through ticket to yantai ?

欧洲无限制旅行一个月的通票有售。Passes are available for one month's unlimited travel within Europe.

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你最好买到达目的地的通票,这样省钱又省时。You'd better book through to your destination so as to save money and time.

欧洲无限制旅行一个月的列车通票有售。Inter-Rail passes are available for one month's unlimited travel within Europe.

所以,如果你是个喜欢出去观光旅游的人的话,还是买通票吧,可以省些钱。So, if you are a heavy sightseer, take the unlimited pass and you will save some Euros.

如果你买了通票。可以参观所有的景点。If you buy an all-inclusive ticket, you can visit whatever Scenic Spots you like inside the park.

新旅游通票的设计理念是作为旅游卡,为短期在雅典旅行停留的游客服务。The new "tourist ticket" has been designed to act as a travel card for those visiting Athens for short stays.

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本地的乘客可以购买通票,系统也被设计的更简洁,以用来保证他们都能得到一个座位。Customers here can buy rail passes and the system has been made simpler to try to ensure they always get a seat.

我花了很长的时间存钱,当我终于存了足够的钱,我买了个双肩背包,去了欧洲,买了一张欧洲铁路通票,当时我十八岁。When I finally did have enough money, I got a backpack and went to Europe and bought a Eurail pass. I was eighteen.

一个轨道保护计划也将实行,如果你在欧洲时车票或通票遗失被盗,解决方法将有巨大的不同。A Rail Protection Plan has also been launched, which makes a big difference if your rail pass or ticket is lost or stolen in Europe.

作为走出欧洲的第一步,欧洲铁路公司将在美国的铁路运输系统------美国国铁中提供服务。包括通票和点对点。As a first step outside Europe, Rail Europe will be distributing for Amtrak, the US train system, with both passes and point-to-point travel.

进入古城是不需要门票的,若要登上城墙、参观票号等景点,则需购买古城通票。Into the ancient city is not required tickets, to board the walls, visit the ticket number and other attractions, you need to buy the city passes.

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我花了很长的时间存钱,当我终于存了足够的钱,我买了个双肩背包,去了欧洲,买了一张欧洲铁路通票,当时我十八岁。It took me a long time to save up the money. When I finally did have enough money, I got a backpack and went to Europe and bought a Eurail pass. I was eighteen.

如果旅客持有星空联盟环球程特惠套票,或其他联盟运价产品,例如中国旅行通票、环北亚特惠套票、亚洲旅行通票,应如何处理?What about customers holding a Round the World fare ticket, or any of the other alliance fare products, e. g. China Airpass, Circle North Asia Fare, Aisa Airpass?

目前,哈恩每周的生活费为200欧元,房租一直靠母亲资助。他表示,在父母办完婚事后,他将用剩下的钱去读书并为自己买一张德国的火车通票。Hahn, who lives on 200 euros a week and has his rent paid by his mother, said he wanted to use some of the rest of the cash to finance his studies and buy a rail pass, RTL said.