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山上要隘,都筑了工事。All the strategic passes in the mountains are fortified.

于南大屿山郊野公园内进行土木工事及建筑工程。Earthworks and building works in the Lantau South Country Park.

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告诉格兰特让GMU构筑工事苦守,等候我的号令再行开进。Tell Grant to keep the GMU dug in and wait for my word to move in.

于西贡东郊野公园内进行土木工事及建筑工程。Earthworks and building works wholly in Sai Kung East Country Park.

用于炮弹穿透浓密的林木和轻型土木工事。A fuze delay allows penetration of dense woods and light earthworks.

它会建设更多的海岸防御工事和防洪工事并投资清洁煤产业。It would build more coastal and flood defences and invest in clean coal.

我看到的黎波里东面有野战工事和反坦克堑壕。I saw in the east and Tripoli field fortifications and anti-tank trenches.

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他们的指挥官认为留在战场上不如呆在工事里安全,这是很明智的。Their commander wisely judged to be safer in their works than in the field.

它发展于1943-1945年,为附近的汉福德原子工事的雇员提供房屋。It was developed in 1943-1945 to house employees of the nearby Hanford Atomic Works.

在郊野公园内进行探土工程,包括土木工事。To carry out ground investigation works which include earthworks within country parks.

在对帝国工事发起地面战的时候,莱娅受了轻微的枪伤。During the ground battle at the Imperial complex, Leia sustained a slight blaster wound.

于南大屿山郊野公园内的土木工事及建筑工程以进行工程项目。Earthworks and building works in the Lantau South Country Park for carrying out the Project.

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我们挖两层工事,敌人攻上来,我们就进地道。We constructed two tiers of defence works. When the enemy attacked, we got into the tunnels.

在USACE中,平民百姓与军方人员共同合作进行工事。In the USACE, regular people along with military personnel work together to help build things.

士兵们在山岗上修建土木工事并竖起木墙以巩固阵地。The soldiers fortified the position on the hill by building earthworks and erecting log walls.

在郊野公园内进行防止山泥倾泻工程,包括土木工事。To carry out landslip preventive works which include earthworks for slopes within country park.

安装综合流动电话收发站,涉及在郊野公园内之土木工事及建筑工程。To install an integrated mobile station involving earthworks and building works in country park.

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从一个低高度的飞机模拟工事上跳下来,这个练习训练你合适的出舱姿势。Jumping from a low-altitude mock-up of an aircraft. This exercise allows you to train proper landing.

于北大屿山郊野公园和南大屿山郊野公园内的土木工事以进行工程项目。Earthworks in the Lantau North Country Park and Lantau South Country Park for carrying out the Project.

这吴城原是魏国名将吴起苦心经营之地,地势险要,工事坚固,正面进攻恐难奏效。They came to the Wu City which was very difficult to attack because of the terrain and strong fortress.