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愿迦南作闪的奴仆。May Canaan be the slave of Shem.

成为你的牧牛者和奴仆吧。Become Thy cowherd and Thy slave.

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四个奴仆继续为她扇风不止。And the four slaves went on fanning her.

只有基督的奴仆才有真自由。True freedom is found in bondage to Christ.

另一个选择是作义的奴仆。The other option is to be a slave of righteousness.

国王要派他的一名奴仆去任这差事。The king would appoint one of his creatures to the post.

他回答说,我是埃及的少年人,是亚玛力人的奴仆。" He said, "I am an Egyptian, the slave of an Amalekite.

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他呼气则非常迅速,像一个国王驱逐自己的奴仆。And he breathes out fast, like a king banishing a servant.

人物可能拥有成百上千的奴仆。The character likely has hundreds or even thousands of vassals.

在他看来,让工人阶级受教育无异于优秀奴仆人才的浪费。He thought educating the working classes a waste of good servants.

他是个不忠心的奴仆,从主人腓利门那里逃跑了。He was an unfaithful servant when he fled from his master Philemon.

我可不希望他把我们都贬为奴仆。I hope that he isn’tplanning on turning us into servants or slaves.

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你们作罪的奴仆的时候,就不受义的约束。For when ye were the servants of sin, ye were free from righteousness.

每个人从精神上讲,实际都是某些东西的奴仆。It’s saying that everyone is a spiritual servant or slave to something.

若有奴仆脱了主人的手,逃到你那里,你不可将他交付他的主人。If a slave has taken refuge with you, do not hand him over to his master.

娶来的奴仆很能生育,嗣有三男两女。The slave was very productive, giving birth to three sons and two daughters.

然后,董宣怒喝让那个奴仆下了车,就当场把他打死了。Then, Dong Xuan servants thundered down to the car, killing him on the spot.

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岂肯与你立约,使你拿它永远作奴仆吗。Will he make a covenant with thee? wilt thou take him for a servant for ever?

任何一个民族,一旦它的人民变成了政府的奴仆,便无法继续维持其自由。No nation may surive in freedom once its people become the servants of the state.

我们与那在他手中搜出杯来的都是我主的奴仆。We are now my lord's slavers-we ourselves and the one who was found to have the cup.