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我在中国土生土长。I am originally from China.

我是土生土长的深圳人。The soil here is very moist.

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我是土生土长的高雄人。I was born and raised in Kaohsiung.

但是外来物能变成土生土长的吗?But can foreign things become native?

我是土生土长的美国人,我来自佛罗里达。I’m an American by birth, I’m from Florida.

土生土长的房,全是捕鱼人营造的家。The local houses are all fishermen's homes.

另一个原因是我因为我土生土长在洛杉矶。Another one was I live, I've grown up in LA.

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但作为一名土生土长的利物浦人。But as a local born and bred Liverpudlian person.

我是土生土长的旧金山湾区人。I, you know, I was born and raised in the Bay, so.

查连凤是土生土长的塔川人,丈夫也是塔川人。Zha is a native of Tachuan, and so is her husband.

“你是土生土长的纽约人吗?”艾姆斯问嘉莉。"Are you a born New Yorker?" asked Ames of Carrie.

岩石劫掠者是外域一种土生土长的物种。Rock flayers are one of Outland's indigenous species.

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我是土生土长的香港人。在大学工作。I am a native Hong Konger working in local university.

是的,我在这里土生土长。我们在千禧桥附近,Well, I'm based here. We're near the Millennium Bridge,

老实说,我是土生土长的高雄人。To tell you the truth , I was born and raised in kaohsiung.

他是土生土长的德国人,但在印度生活了八年之久。A native of Germany, Govi spent eight years living in India.

另一句土生土长的格言是,“每条狗允许咬一次人”。Another home-grown proverb is Every dog is allowed one bite.

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但这位68岁、土生土长的奥马哈人却有着不平凡的生活经历。But the 68-year-old Omaha native has led an extraordinary life.

欧洲,至少是土生土长的欧洲人,正在消亡。Europe, at least the indigenous population of Europe, is dying.

恰在时间,就在半路上自行车土生土长的男孩骑。Exactly on time, a half-grown boy rides up the road on a bicycle.