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私刑,这是一个暴徒!That is a lynching mob!

他是豪杰,没有是大暴徒。He was more hero than scoundred.

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我更喜欢狂暴徒这个词。I prefer the term rampaging thugs.

他遭一伙暴徒殴打。He was done over by a gang of thugs.

一群暴徒袭击了警察。A gang of toughs attacked the police.

这伙暴徒在村中横冲直撞。The mob rampaged through the village.

暴徒们打碎了许多商店的橱窗。The thugs trashed many store windows.

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他遭到一伙暴徒袭击。He was attacked by a band of ruffians.

他们说他是芝加哥式暴徒。He's a Chicago-style bully, they claim.

暴徒们袭击银行和邮局。Rioter attack the bank and post office.

但是我仍旧感到像个暴徒。But I still felt like kind of a desperado.

他和另外一个暴徒开始毒打我。He and the other goon began to beat me up.

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他被一帮暴徒打得死去活来。He was badly beaten up by a gang of thugs.

暴徒们放火点燃了整排商铺。Rioters set fire to a whole row of stores.

暴徒,哦,你已不再年轻。Desperado, ah, you ain't gettin' no younger.

这是暴徒为聘用工作的名义法西斯。It's thug-for-hire work on behalf of fascists.

除了暴徒,阿尔瓦还面临其他挑战。Mr. Alva faced other challenges besides thugs.

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公安部部长要求严厉惩治新疆骚乱暴徒。Police chief urges tough hand on thugs in riots.

去年那些暴徒在街上横行霸道,无恶不作。The street was overrun by the bullies last year.

一群暴徒在要道聚众闹事。Rowdy mobs gathered in the leading thoroughfares.