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哀伤与苦闷充满我的心。Grief and despair fill my heart.

心并苦闷乐,或是当我想说什么呢?Heart not happy, or something when I want to say?

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我心里太苦闷,不能再那样活下去,所以我来了。I could not live on as I was living, and I have come.

结婚戒指戴旧了,苦闷也就消除了。As your wedding-ring wears, your cares will wear away.

这是生活中为什么既丰富又苦闷。That's what imbues life with richness, and irritation, too.

她的亲吻扫除了他精神上的苦闷。His spiritual depression came to an end when she kissed him.

我愿是您明月,疼爱地终止您苦闷的一天。And let me be Your moon, To mercifully end Your anguished day.

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他很苦闷一直没有答案,于是便微服私访。He was very distressed has been no answer, so incognito travel.

由于死固有于生,因此几乎所有的生活都是一种苦闷。Since death is immanent in life, almost all of life is an agony.

我苦闷地盯着墙上的时钟,指针走了一圈又一圈。I watched the minutes agonizingly tick by on a clock on the wall.

有个理论说,精神苦闷的人会吃更多的垃圾食品。One theory is that people with mental distress eat more junk food.

优酷就正在苦闷地感受这种信任危机。Actor cruel is experiencing this kind of trustful crisis dejectedly.

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这天,我处于半警觉的状态,但却无法入睡,苦闷得让人恐惧。Today I'm semi-alert, but unable to sleep and agon i z i ngl y scared.

如果你的朋友也处在这种苦闷中,为什么不和她结伴去购物呢?If that is how your friend feels, why not offer to go shopping with her?

假如这种状况在ISFP身上时常发生,他们会变得苦闷而气恼,自认为是受害者。If this happens frequently to an ISFP, they may become bitter and angry.

新年到了,大直看到了父亲的孤独和苦闷。New Year arrived, the big straight saw the fathers lonely and depressed.

我的身体因相思而赢弱,我的心儿因爱情而苦闷悲伤。Love my body because of the weak, my heart sad because of love and boredom.

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这是让全世界商学院都感到苦闷的一年。THIS has been a year of sackcloth and ashes for the world’s business schools.

有时候看似无忧无虑、开朗、满不在乎的人也有他们的忧虑、烦恼与苦闷的。Hey, seemingly trouble-free and happy-go-lucky people also have their downtime.

难题是让你变得柔弱或坚韧,还是完美或苦闷,一切都取决于你。Problems can make you tender or tough, better or bitter. It all depends on you.