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这有可能成为未来的海产食品。It may be the future of seafood.

基隆以其新鲜的海产著名。Keelung is known for its fresh seafood.

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瓦房店拥有富饶的海产资源。Wafangdian owns fertile marine resources.

我建议他可以经营烟熏海产生意。I suggest he buy this smoked seafood business.

这些海产包括牡蛎,文蛤,贻贝和蛾螺。These include oysters, clams, mussels and whelks.

海产正在那些人的食品中占尾要职位。Sea food features largely in the diet of these people.

它并没有达到消费海产食品都有害的水平。It is not at levels that are harmful for seafood consumption.

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同时,人们不应该吃其他有害藻类的贝壳类海产。Also, people should not eat other kinds of shellfish during a HAB.

轮虫是海产鱼类苗种的适宜开口饵料和优质食物。Rotifers are adequate first feeds of larval rearing of marine fish.

在下面是一个一些世界的更熟悉海产的哺乳动物的项目表。Below is a listing of some of the world's more familiar marine mammals.

这些毒素对海产动物可以致命,对人也有危害。These toxins can be deadly to sea animals and also dangerous to people.

本公司成立于2001年,为私人自营海产干货有限公司。The company was established in 2001 for private self-dry seafood Limited.

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处理易腐类食品是个棘手的问题,例如海产食品。Dealing with perishables , such as seafood and produce, is tricky business.

杰夫为买家附近的海产养殖场的年票去打工赚钱。Jeff worked to earn money for an annual pass to Marineland, closer to his home.

以上事实表明,中国沿海海产腹足类性畸变现象十分普遍。All these findings indicated that imposex was very widespread along China coast.

杰夫九岁的一天,他跟同学们一起去洛杉矶海产养殖场。Then one day when Jeff was nine, he went with his class to Los Angeles's Marineland.

此外,最近出台的立法规定鱼商要识别海产的来源。Furthermore, recent legislation requires fish sellers to identify the source of seafood.

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结果表明,马氏珍珠贝肉是一种高蛋白、低脂肪,营养价值丰富的海产。The results showed that the pearl meat was the seafood with higher protein and lower fat.

卫生当局仍在谨慎地监控海产食品、海草和其他海洋产品。Health authorities still are wise to monitor seafood, seaweed and other ocean products, he said.

海洋不仅为迪拜奉上美味的海产,还有闪闪的珍珠以及不断扩大的贸易网络。It provides Dubai not only with food but the pearling industry and access to expanded trade links.