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我为这个杂志呕心沥血。I have bled for this magazine.

李老师总是呕心沥血地为我们精选习题。Mr Li always selects exercises for us.

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他呕心沥血写了这本书。He had written the book with great pains.

每天都会在花园里辛勤劳作,呕心沥血。Every day, he worked his heart out in the gardens.

成千上万的中国人呕心沥血多年,就是为了这一天。Millions of Chinese have worked for years to this end.

为造就具有现代军事科学知识的干部,伯承呕心沥血。He worked indefatigably to train cadres in modern military science.

老师,您呕心沥血、兢兢业业、默默无闻奉献着光和热。Teacher, you worked hard conscientious, quiet dedication of light and heat.

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在此后的整整两个小时里,他呕心沥血,忙于拯救古德森的性命。Thereafter, during a stretch of two exhausting hours, he was busy saving Goodson's life.

特别的三钮扣设计。两位主脑为了创作呕心沥血、互相撕杀的场面出现了!Special button-up design in raglan. Abilities and Assiduous of Two mastermind are appear !

这说明教书是呕心沥血的劳动,也不可能让一个成为大富翁。This shows that the teaching is painstaking work, it is impossible to become a millionaire.

此电子书﹐由几个初学者﹐两个月来经过多少个熬夜的日子﹐才完成的呕心沥血作品。This electonic book, is being produced by several new learner after more than 2 months hard works.

他呕心沥血,精益求精,常常画一幅作品竟耗时数月之久。He have worked, excellence, often of painting a picture of entries time-consuming for several months.

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“感谢那些曾经在这个项目上呕心沥血的人们,不过他们做得并不好,”Rose说。"Bless the people who had worked on the product up until then, but they hadn't done a good job, " says Rose.

这是一位在诸多困难之中,呕心沥血维护国家统一的帝王,但与此同时他也做了许多坏事。He was an Emperor that kept the country together, during difficult times, but he also did a lot of bad things.

设计者和工程师为汽车呕心沥血,这种评选能证明他们的能力,为他们的工作履历增光添彩。For the designers and engineers who worked on the car, it brings a resume-enhancing validation of their skills.

呕心沥血哺顽童,桃李满天两鬓白,莘莘学子来谢恩,祝福老师晚年康。Make painstaking efforts, feeding urchin, peach and plum sky hair white, to students of Shane, wish the teacher later kang.

许多家长为了孩子,可以说是呕心沥血,煞费苦心,但由于缺乏正确的育人观,往往得不到预想的效果。Many parents for children, is elaborative, dedicated, but lack of the correct view of education, often get the desired effect.

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虽然有关当局在机场安检方面可谓呕心沥血,尽其所能使无辜旅客免于陷入无谓的纷扰之中,但不可否认的是,机场安检工作始终脱不了杂乱无章、肆意为之的意味。DESPITE the effort put into it, and the annoyance caused to innocent travellers, airport security is a pretty haphazard affair.

对于人类生命来说血液是如此之重要,所以,在人类的语言中,关于血液的词汇也十分丰富,如血气方刚、热血沸腾、呕心沥血等等。The blood is a human life is so important in human language, blood on the terms of the very rich, such as the energetic, emotional, hard, and so on.

目前斯皮尔的建筑事务所正在为科隆市中心的改造而呕心沥血,他们准备拓宽位于城市南北分界线的主干道。Speer's office is currently reworking the city center of Cologne in an effort to deemphasize the wide, north-south road which divides the city in two.