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肥沃富饶但人烟稀少的象牙海岸。The richly endowed but underpopulated ivory coast.

和一两个朋友去人烟稀少的地方。Hanging out with little friends to some desolated places.

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雨夹雪使得外滩和游船上人烟稀少。The snow and sleet made people stay away from the Bund and the cruises.

他的工作和他工作的地方虽然人烟稀少,但是仍然存在。His work and his workplace, in spite of encroaching population, are still there.

这些沙土飞扬、盖着厚厚白雪的荒原连接着茫茫的戈壁,人烟稀少。These sandy, snow-strewn wastelands bordering the Gobi desert are sparsely populated.

镇上常住人口虽仅有1万余人,然而在人烟稀少的阿里,却是首屈一指的繁华之地。With its small population of over 10 thousand, it is the most prosperous city in Ali.

在上个世纪80年代,内华达州一处人烟稀少的地区被指定作为核废料的贮存地点。A site in sparsely-populated Nevada was designated as a nuclear repository in the 1980s.

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一般人会将之藏在小溪旁的草丛中,或者隐藏在沼泽里人烟稀少的地方。Common residents hide it in the bush nearby the stream or in the obsolete place of marsh.

在澳大利亚西北部有叫做布鲁姆的沿海小镇,布鲁姆镇是澳洲广袤的内陆地区中人烟稀少的偏僻的村落。The small coastal town of Broome, in northwest Australia, is an outpost in the vast Outback.

这个人烟稀少的地区还为贩毒走私者及伊朗的反叛组织提供了安全庇护所。The sparsely populated region also provides safe haven for drug smugglers and Iranian rebel groups.

但因为此次攻击主要是在人烟稀少的山区,百姓伤亡很少。But with strikes occurring in a mountainous sparely populated region, civilian causalities are rare.

他认为人烟稀少的地方最合适,可是这样的地方在人口稠密的中国是不容易找到的。He considered a sparsely populated region most suitable, but such regions were few in crowded China.

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这张照片拍摄于华盛顿州的北瀑布国家公园,当地人烟稀少,我们在那里进行了4天的滑雪运动。This picture was taken in the North Cascade National park, WA during a 4 day backcountry skiing tour.

如果大部分村民已亡故或迁徙,那么村庄只能是“人烟稀少的”。The village was depopulated , most of the resident dead or moved, but the livestock remained untouched.

林中有两条路,而我,选择了人烟稀少的那一条,使得一切多么的不同。Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less travelled by. And that has made all the difference.

昆士兰州并没有多少参与这场争吵,因为其境内的达令河河段在当时人烟稀少。Queensland played little part in the row, since its stretch of the Darling was sparsely populated at the time.

虽然玉树是个人烟稀少的地区,专家认为这次地震还是很有可能引起重大伤亡。Although Yushu is a sparsely-populated region, experts said the quake is very likely to cause "heavy" casualties.

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喇嘛教制度竭尽全力防止农奴的跳跑,因为逃跑的农奴可以轻易地在人烟稀少的地区建立它自己的牧场。The lamaist system tried to prevent any escape. Runaway slaves couldn't just set up free farms in the vast empty lands.

他看到这一带人烟稀少,满目荒凉,就问老百姓们是怎么回事。On his arriving he found the area was desolate and sparsely populated, so he asked the local residents what had happened.

阿富汗的腹地是一块空旷之地,人烟稀少。At the heart of Afghanistan is an empty space a striking absence where the larger of the colossal Bamian Buddhas once stood.