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没有四肢的骨骼。There were no limb bones.

熊有强壮的四肢,可以站立。Bears have four strong limbs.

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他四肢展开地睡在床上His limbs straddled in the bed.

她被四肢张开地捆在床上。She's spread-eagled in the bed.

她伸开四肢躺在太阳下。She's stretched out in the sun.

钢铁四肢本非我物。These steel limbs are not my own.

我卧倒,伸开四肢趴着。Down I went, sprawled on all fours.

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除了四肢的运动,生命为何物?"What is life but a motion of the limbs?

被捆好四肢的猪就放在案子上。The pig to be hogtied was on the counter.

尾巴和四肢有羽状附毛。The tail and britches are well feathered.

尽量保持四肢温暖。Keep your extremities as warm as possible.

四肢肌肉临时性“瘫痪”。Limb muscle provisionality " break down ".

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他身量不高,四肢细瘦。He was small in height and slender in limb.

如果我被钉住了,四肢蠕动于墙面。When I am pinned and wriggling on the wall.

腊肠狗身体长,四肢短。Dachshunds are long-bodies and short-legged.

我可怜的守护天使一定是个四肢截断的人。My poor guardian angel must be a basketcase.

丝绸长袍包裹着他的懒惰的四肢The robe that wraps his limbsin silken sloth

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他于是就转来转去,你还可以四肢趴着。For there he can maneuver you onto all fours.

把四肢缩回来,对,动动你的指头。Let your limbs return. Yes, move your fingers.

其中四肢麻痹者12例,下肢麻痹者31例。There are 12 quadriplegics and 31 paraplegics.