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递送货物税款未付。DDU Delivered Duty unpaid.

我到哪里领退税款呢。Where can I get the refund.

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我的雇主代扣代缴税款。My employer is withholding taxes.

成千上万的人拒绝缴纳他们的税款。Thousands refused to pay their taxes.

你因为可以少付税款而选择生孩子。You have kids for the tax advantages.

第三,赚取的收入要交大部分的税款。And third, earned income pays the most taxes.

如果我们迁得太早,就得补交税款。If we move too early, we will have to repay the tax.

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他因为未缴纳退税款而被罚款2,000美元。He has been fined 2,000 dollars for unpaid back taxes.

政府似乎大笔大笔地乱花纳税人的税款。The government seems to gobble up the taxpayers' money.

我觉得,似乎所有公民中,只有我付清了税款。I felt as if I alone of all my townsmen had paid my lax.

税务局一直在催她补交税款。The tax authorities have been harrying her for repayment.

这笔款项放在认可基金内,税款能获宽减。The money is in an authorized fund and tax will be reduced.

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不要寄支票给我,请把退税款转到我的信用卡帐户好了。Don't send me the check, sent it to my card account, please.

我的工资扣除了税款后,拿回家仍有许多。My pay is much to take home after it has had tax docked off.

对红利分配不征收应收预扣税款。There is no withholding tax payable on dividend distribution.

迟早,希腊必须从新私有化企业或其它私有化机构中筹集税款。Greece has yet to raise a single euro from fresh privatisations.

不会有更多的税款资助的紧急援助的时期。There will be nomoretax-funded more tax-funded bailouts, period.

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这个方案还同时向1亿3千万美国家庭发放退税款。It also provides tax rebates to more than 130 million households.

指应课税的收入,例如利息、股息或是薪金在发放时被扣下的税款。Tax deducted at source on interest or dividend payments to investors.

计徵税款的期限自货物放行之日起计算。The tariff will be calculated from the date goods entered into China.