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文章就顶岗实习的全面管理进行了初步探讨。The paper mainly researches on total management of post practice.

文章就纺织专业顶岗实习的柔性管理进行了初步探讨。The Paper mainly researches on flexible management of textile speciality.

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顶岗实习是职业院校学生基于职业岗位的、真实的、参与工作过程的实践。Based on occupational positions, the internship involves students in the real working process.

顶岗实习在高职教育人才培养过程中有着不可替代的重要作用。Internship has an irreplaceable and important role in talent training in higher vocational education.

顶岗实习是目前我国高等师范院校教育实习的一种重要模式。Replacement Teaching Practice is an important model of teaching practice in higher Normal Colleges and Universities.

论文在具体介绍顶岗实习做法的基础上,总结了顶岗实习已取得的成效及存在的突出问题。Based on the description of specific practices of In-post Practice, the thesis sums up the achievements and main problems.

“顶岗实习、置换培训”是一种全新的教师教育教学实践模式。"Taking post for field work and replacement training" is a kind of brand new teacher's educational teaching practice mode.

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针对现在学生顶岗实习中面临的难题,提出了处理难题的对策与建议。For the current problems which appeared in students' internship, the writer proposed solutions to them and offered suggestions.

在当前的形势下,对我国以往的顶岗实习实践探索进行全面回顾,展开基于历史和现实的冷静思考,具有很大的现实意义。Currently, it is of great practical significance to conduct a comprehensive review of the practical study of China's previous In-post Practice.

介绍了顶岗实习网络管理系统模块的构成,并运用UML建模技术描述了系统构成的客户需求。The paper describes the combination of network management system in post practice, and uses UML to model the system requirement of the customer.

“顶岗实习,置换培训”是在教师教育一体化和开放化进程中实践教学模式的创新。"Students' teaching practice with teachers' replacement training" is an innovative model in the course of integrity and opening of teacher education.

对顶岗实习过程进行精细化管理是高职院校"内涵式"发展战略的必然选择。Fine-grained management on the process of post practice is an inevitable choice of the intensive development strategy of the higher vocational colleges.

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在高职学生顶岗实习期间,有不少人存在各种心理问题和心理危机,在一定程度上影响了实习效果和就业态度。To some extent, a great many people have a variety of mental problem sand the mental crises, which has an impact on training effect and employment manner.

通过对高职学生在顶岗实习期间的挫折心理进行剖析之后,提出了通过挫折教育克服挫折心理的具体对策。Through the analysis of their setback psychology during post practice, the countermeasures to overcome setback psychology by setback education are put forward.

校内模拟实训和校外企业顶岗实习是高职实践性教学活动的重要环节。Simulation practice in the campus and the practice outside the campus are the important tache of the practice teaching activity about advanced vocational schools.

本文第四部分为中等职业学校顶岗实习问题成因分析,分别从企业、学校和政府等不同层面展开分析。In the fourth part, the article analyzes the cause of the problems of internship of the secondary vocational students in the levels of enterprises, schools and government.

我们应该认真探讨师范院校扶贫顶岗实习支教中存在的一些问题,进一步对顶岗实习工作提出具体的建议,以期使顶岗实习支教真正行之有效。This paper discusses the problems in the aid-the-poor programme and gives some good advice on how to deal with them, so that the reform measures will become more effective.

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高职的顶岗实习是实践教学体系中不可缺少的重要环节,在人才培养过程中起着不可替代的重要作用。Post practice of higher vocational and technical education is the necessary factor in practice teaching system and plays an important role in the course of talents educating.

为实行双证书,改革教学模式,主要是采用了订单培养、顶岗实习和基于模块化的工作过程导向三种教学模式来提高学生的实践能力。"The work process direction"mode is a kind of course development and implement mode that has new course mode, teaching content, teaching method, and be undertaken by the new-mode teacher.

作为教师教育改革的成果之一,顶岗实习已成为我国部分高等师范院校主要的教育实习模式,并在近几年掀起一股改革的热潮。As one of the achievements in teacher education reform, In-post Practice has become a main mode of teaching practice in some normal universities of China. It spreads widely in recent years.