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泥沙把这条河的三角洲淤塞了。Sand has silted up the river delta.

石炭系塔北三角洲。Tabei delta in Carboniferous system.

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尼罗河三角洲地区的军阀都对他俯首称臣。The delta warlords had been laid low.

2004年的海啸也曾侵袭同一地区,即伊洛瓦底三角洲及仰光省。The tsunami of 2004 hit the same region.

他是塔克在三角洲地区的主要支持者。He was Tucker’s main supporter in the Delta.

浅水三角洲前缘平坦、开阔。Shallow-water delta front is flat and widen.

他挥师直捣尼罗河三角洲一带。He directed his troops toward the Nile Delta.

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全新世三角洲的形成和发育。Formation and development of the Holocene delta.

你可以看到浮油就在三角洲门口。The oil slick can be seen just beyond the delta.

非洲狮幼崽在博茨瓦那的奥卡万戈三角洲。Lion cubs play in the Okavango Delta in Botswana.

建都在三角洲西部的萨伊斯城。He reigned from Sais, a city in the Western Delta.

他们已经将首都迁移至三角洲地区。They had moved the capital up to the Delta region.

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洋葱以及稻米生长在三角洲附近的黑土里。Onions and rice grow in the black soil of the delta.

阿尔勒法国中南部一城市,位于隆河三角洲。A city of south-central France on the Rhone River delta.

三角洲为河控浅水三角洲。It can be regarded as riverdominated shallow-water delta.

在奥卡万戈三角洲一只幼豹在它母亲旁边休息。A leopard cub rests near its mother in the Okavango Delta.

滩脊一般与三角洲环境有关。Cheniers are generally related to the deltaic environment.

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扇三角洲前缘亚相由近端坝和远端坝沉积组成。Fan delta front includes proximal and distal bar deposits.

三角洲上到处都有稻子、甘蔗和各种花卉。The delta teems with rice, sugarcane, and various flowers.

它座落在长江三角洲的南翼。It is located in the south wing of the Yangtze River Delta.