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你应该制止他到处打探的作法。You'd better stop him nosing about.

或许这就是他独树一格的作法。Perhaps this was his modus operandi.

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苏格拉底的作法相对唐突。Socrates does something rather abrupt.

目前这种作法的代价还不得而知。The cost of this is at the moment unkown.

因为正确的作法是迭代。Because the right way to do it is iteratively.

戏剧结局似乎认可安蒂冈妮的作法。The play ends by seeming to validate Antigone.

他们这样的作法使我不愿再给他们打电话了。This will want me not to call them ever again.

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这是和许多质量奖方案的作法是类似的。Thellos is similar to many quality awards programmes.

他不喜欢富民卖弄知识的作法。He did not like the way Fumin showed off his knowledge.

我觉得这种作法是真的,但是,却是不可原谅的。I feel that might be true, though it cannot be excused.

如果我们在作法上有异常情况,我们将会修正。If we have abnormalities in practice, we will be amended.

作法是剥取树皮后,经浸渍和捶打使它变薄。The bark is stripped off, soaked, and beaten until it is thin.

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我们不能用过时的作法来处理太空时代的问题。We cannot apply horse-and-buggy approaches to space-age problems.

电子学档的形成性评价手段使过程写作法成为可能。E-portfolio's formative assessment makes process writing possible.

降阶治疗的作法分为两个阶段。The method of de-escalation therapy can be divided into two stages.

这种放手不管的作法可能会给公司造成巨大风险。This hands-off approach could lead to huge risks for the companies.

任何强行逼迫灾民返回的作法都是不能接受的。Any forced or coerced movement of people is completely unacceptable.

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旁若无人只会带来麻烦。聪明的作法是虚心问人。Arrogance causes nothing but trouble. It is wiser to ask for advice.

但最重要的是,应效仿中国打击盗窃犯的作法。But above all, emulate the Chinese in terms of dealing with thieves !

这种“头痛医头,脚痛医脚”的作法为日后的发展留下了许多隐患。This will put the company in the trouble of development in the future.