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但现在,推特开始风行于别处。But now it is catching on elsewhere.

去年夏天风行迷你裙。Mini-skirts were in fashion last summer.

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滚球是香港很风行的一项运动。Petanque is a popular sport in Hong Kong.

这种写作风格曾大为风行。This style of writing has had a great vogue.

一个风行的草药与雌激素样的勾当。A popular herbal with estrogen-like activity.

这尾盛行歌直在生齿浓密的都会风行。The pop song is popular in the populous city.

俚语往往很快风行起来又很快不再风行了。Slang often goes in and out of fashion quickly.

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这一媒体产物曾花哨俗气,现在却时髦风行。A once tawdry media product has become fashionable.

无碳复写纸现已风行世界。The carbonless copy paper has been worldwide popular.

为何雅比斯的一个普通的祷告会如此风行?Why such a common prayer of Jabez would be so popular?

拨号上网一说,从那时起开始风行。Dial get online to say, begin since thenceforth faddish.

唯灵论曾是一种时尚,风行了半个世纪之久。Spiritualism was a fad in full flower for half a century.

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堵嘴是最共同的石斑鱼风行东海岸。Gags are the most common grouper caught on the east coast.

潜在的催化剂中国热再次风行。Potential de-rating catalysts China fever is raging again.

目前,读夜校在中国极为风行。To attend evening schools is all the fashion now in China.

现在它风行世界,很多人都知道。It's all over the world now, so there's a lot of awareness.

可是,出卖战略中的诙谐是让麻袋片风行的关键。But humor is the selling strategy that made the Snuggie a star.

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每年不可胜数的人遭到风行性感冒感染。thousands and thousands of people got infected with flu every year.

她说记风行歌曲歌词也有点帮忙。She said that memorizing the words of English songs helped a little.

我觉得,“金钱至上“风行,“我一定得成功“I think there's this Golden Calf foremost, "I've got to be successful."