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坐看牵牛织女星。Thunbergia take look at Vega.

七夕节坐着仰望牵牛星和织女星是中国人的一个习俗。It is a custom for Chinese to watch the Altair and Vega on the chairs.

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即使是最闪亮的一颗星,织女星一样,它表明一个清楚界定的空磁盘。Even on the brightest star, like Vega, it showed a well-defined air-disk.

1932年,爱蜜莉亚·埃尔哈特用一架洛克希德“织女星”号完成了她独自飞越大西洋的飞行。In 1932, Amelia Earhart made her solo transatlantic flight in a Lockheed Vega.

当地球上夜幕降临时,织女星,天津四以及牛郎星穿过长空向西移动。As our Earth turns tonight, Vega, Deneb and Altair travel westward across the sky.

七夕之夜,未婚女子通常会向织女星乞巧,也会乞求姻缘。On that night, unmarried girls prayed to the Weaving Maid star for the special gift.

这一天的晚上,织女星和牛郎星就在日本的天空“相会”了。On this night, the Weaver Star and the Cowherd Star "meet" in the skies above Japan.

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天琴星座北半球一星座,在天鹅座和武仙座附近,星座内包括织女星。A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Cygnus and Hercules and containing Vega.

这张照片拍摄于月落之后,这片繁星中的最亮点是画面右侧的织女星。Recorded after moonset, the starry background features the bright star Vega on the right.

透过远处的树林,织女星象一盏灯似地挂在木叶尽脱的树枝间。Far away through the plantation Vega sparkled like a lamp suspended amid the leafless trees.

日落后率先在西方天空中出现的三颗星星是织女星,牵牛星和天津四。The first three stars to pop out into your western sky after sunset are Vega, Altair and Deneb.

流星雨的来源位于织女星的附近一颗明亮的星,它很容易被找到。The radiant, or source, of the shower is located near Vega, a bright star which is hard to miss.

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夜晚,繁星闪烁,银河横贯南北,两岸各有一颗闪亮的星星,遥遥相望,那就是牛郎星和织女星。On each bank of it is a bright star, which sees each other from afar. They are the Altair and Vega.

是日晚,妇女们特别是少女和年轻媳妇,向织女星乞求智巧。Is the evening of women, especially for young girls and young daughter-in-law, to beg wiseness Vega.

这家商店的经理,布兰卡织女星,是考虑以下她的顾客到查塔努加,休斯顿。The store's manager, Blanca Vega, is considering following her customers to Chattanooga, or Houston.

我国中国科学院计算所也提出了研究织女星网格计算机的计划。The Computer Institute under China Academy of Science has approved the Vega Grid Computer Research Plan.

他们原本是那银河里落下的碎片,是人们早已忘记的牛郎和织女星的碎片。They originally came to the Galaxy in the debris , people have long forgotten the Cowboy and the Vega debris.

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1928年,第一个横穿大陆的直达飞行由一架洛克希德“织女星”号载有四名乘客的木质单翼机完成。In 1928, the first nonstop transcontinental flight was completed in a Lockheed Vega, a four-passenger wooden monoplane.

国际天文学联合会对所有星座名和他们的属格采用三个字母的缩写。因此,织女星变成了天琴座。The IAU also adopted three-letter abbreviations for all the constellations and their possessives, Vega thus becoming Alpha Lyr.

这个突然的移除导致系统内一系列的不平衡,这影响了织女星系统内的能量互动。This abrupt removal caused a serious imbalance in the system that was coordinating the energy interaction within the Vega system.