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镀金丝网顶端的倒刺。Barbs on the crown of gilded wire.

我把洋葱放在金属丝网眼容器里。I keep my onions in a wire-mesh container.

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请告诉我们弹性金属丝网装在什么地方?。Please advise, where is the flexible wirework.

我的家乡在闻名的丝网之乡安平。My home in the famous town of wire mesh Anping.

不锈钢板,丝网印刷,油彩,银色签字笔。Stainless steel, screen print, oil and silver pen.

河北六角网,电焊网,不锈钢丝网生产厂家。Anping Country Ruicheng Wire Mesh Product Co. , Ltd.

仁和精诚丝网材料销售有限公司。Renhe good faith silk screen material sales co. ltd.

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丝网玻璃的运用更体现了这种平衡。Of webby glass apply more reflected this kind of balance.

一台大型的丝网印刷机床就坐落在这个工作室的另外一个区域。A large silkscreen table sits in another area of the room.

他还把丝网印刷工艺教授给其他很多艺术家。He has taught the silkscreen method to many other artists.

丝网目数对系统频率的影响很小。The screen mesh has little impact on the system frequency.

这个在丝网印刷和数码印刷也是同样适用的。This is true of both screen printing and digital printing.

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丝网印的材料是按定单存放的吗?Are screen print materials inventoried and issued by order?

丝网印刷产品有着耐光性强的极大优势。Screen printing has a strong lightfastness great advantage.

闪闪发光的真实感和丝网印刷在前面的图形。Photorealistic and sparkly screen-printed graphics at front.

该丝网和中心管是环氧树脂粘结到去年底的上限。The wire mesh and center tube are epoxy-bonded to the end caps.

就一种颜色来说,用丝网印刷还可以。If there's only one color, it is ok to use silk-screen printing.

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爱恨情愁不能说,双丝网有千千结。Love hate feeling sorrow can't say, double screen have thousands knot.

丝网目数对系统频率的影响很小。Additionally, the screen mesh has little impact on the system frequency.

我们在烟囱上盖了金属丝网,这样鸟儿就进不去了。We put a fine wirework mesh over the chimney so that birds can't get in.