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她可能一会儿的工夫就反反复复唠叨好几遍,但她记起来了。But she remembers.

我们有一整天的閒工夫吗?Do we have all day?

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只是要花费一点时间和工夫。It just takes time and effort.

对企业家来说,工夫即使金钱。Time is money for enterprisers.

法海寺离这儿只有一袋烟的工夫。Fahaisi is one smoke away from here.

我没工夫理会他的不安。I don't have time for his discomfort.

给它取名字,颇费了我一番工夫。Picking his name took a bit of doing.

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有一会儿的工夫,我们谁都没说一句话。For a while, none of us said anything.

没几天工夫,2200几乎全部售完。Within days, 2200 was nearly sold out.

一眨眼工夫她就变出了一桌饭菜。She conjured up a whole meal in a jiffy.

但气结于内,工夫长了,有伤身体。But gas knot at inside, time grew, hurts.

我呀没工夫听你吹牛。I have no time listening to you bragging.

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我用了2年半的工夫就从伯克利毕业了。I graduated Berklee in 2-and-a-half years.

所以非下一番死工夫不可。Therefore, under some non-work is not dead.

他花了一番工夫和努力,找到了她的地址。With time and effort he located her address.

在辞章上能做的工夫也就这些了。All that can be done with words is soon told.

要建造一家制铁厂需要花许多工夫。It takes a lot of work to build an iron works.

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裁缝一会儿工夫就把破缝缝好了。The tailor stitched the split seam in seconds.

复验的时限是什么工夫?Whtowouls the time limit for the reinspection?

最终正告磁盘配额的时期和工夫。Date and time of last warning about disk quota.