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为什么不挂牌、不游街示众?Why not listed, do not paraded through the streets?

抓获的罪犯被游街示众。The captured criminals were paraded through the streets.

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斩首示众这件事,我认为是很有问题的。I think that beheading in the market is not a proper policy.

被抓获的犯人列队游街示众。The captured criminals were paraded through the main streets.

川野希子命令将铁山的尸体挂起来示众。Sichuan wild bush son command will iron mountain body hang up.

游街示众吸引了1千多名围观群众,他们各个拍手称快。The parade attracted more than 1,000 spectators, who applauded.

罪犯带着镣铐被押着列队游街示众。The criminals were paraded in chains through the crowded streets.

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他们是被用枪指着头游行示众来到这里的一群基督徒。They were taken from a prayer group at gunpoint and marched to the camp.

那些看起来有罪的人会从法庭上被直接拉出去示众吗?Will those found guilty be dragged straight from the court to the pillory?

这一天在市集上,有罪犯被斩首示众。The day there was an execution held in the market – a criminal was beheaded.

在景公派的使者没有赶到之前,禳苴即令将庄贾斩首示众。Before the messenger of Lord Jing has arrived, Zhuang Jia was executed on the spot.

亲眼看到海丝特·白兰示众的人们尚未失去他们的纯真。The witnesses of Hester Prynne's disgrace had not yet passed beyond their simplicity.

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离开市集后,斩首示众这一幕仍然停留在老子的心中。After left the market, beheading in front of the mass still lingered on Laotse's mind.

多数国家乐于宣扬其历史上最具光彩的篇章,德国却不断把自己最丑恶的污点揭开示众。Most countries celebrate the best in their pasts. Germany unrelentingly promotes its worst.

当暴君听到着一奇观时,他感到十分惧怕,于是将瓦沦丁斩首示众。When the tyrant heard of a miracle, he was very scared and they will perish small tile beheaded.

特工深知,一旦自己的身份被识破,等待他的命运将和珀耳一样、在同一地点被斩首示众。He knew that if his identity were blown, he would be beheaded on the spot in the same way as Pearl.

暴君克劳多斯听到这一奇迹后,感到非常害怕,匆忙下令将瓦伦丁斩首示众。Claudius the cruel hearing of the miracle, felt very frightened, hurriedly ordered Valentin beheaded.

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如果我们能够询问那些围观的看客,了解他们对游街示众的看法,我想这将会是很有趣的。It would be interesting to know what the people who gather to watch the shaming parade think about it.

甚至说中国将那些“不良消费者”在大街上示众让其他人引以为戒,也将无济于事。Not even China is likely to parade “bad consumers’’ around on the streets as an object lesson to others.

当暴君听到着一奇迹时,他感到非常害怕,于是将瓦沦丁斩首示众。When the tyrant of a miracle to hear, he was very scared and they will be Valentine be publicly beheaded.