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上次你什么时侯来的?When did you come last?

上次你们命大。You were lucky last time.

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上次命名日时是九岁。Nine, on his last nameday.

我上次回到拉德洛。When I came last to Ludlow.

我上次考试考砸了。I blew it on that last exam.

我上次见他那是驴年马月的事了。I met him donkey's years ago.

他上次访问中国是在2006年。He last visited China in 2006.

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上次课我们教完两糙15页。We finished page 15 last time.

上次去乌镇还是在两年前。I came to Wuzhen two years ago.

上次吃奶是什么时间?Is it that since the last food?

这次不像上次那么糟!It wasnt so bad as last period!

上次觉得羞耻是什么时候?When did you last feel ashamed?

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因为我们在重复上次的游戏Because we've repeated the game.

上次他对你丝毫不留情。Last time he showed you no mercy.

上次我们全都参加了绝食抗议运动。All of us hunger-struck last time.

看!我加了上次学画的猪妈妈和小猪!They went to visit Pink Mummy Pig.

上次我们向新西兰的同学问好。Last time we say hi to New Zealand.

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他勉强通过了上次考试。He skinned through last examination.

我上次来这里的时候放在这边的。I set it there the last time I came.

我上次说过双重写照。I talked about doubleness last time.