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它需要构筑和成长。It builds and it grows.

如何构筑“从外向内看”的视角How to Build an External Perspective

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全身心构筑你的角色。Concentrate on building your character.

牌手有20分钟时间来构筑自己的牌组。Players have 20 minutes to build their decks.

它们互相联系,交融错杂,构筑了一座精神的殿堂。They link tightly and construct a spirit hall.

但是构筑社会关系网络的动机要纯。But build your network with the right motivation.

为…架搁栅,为…装托梁用平行水平横梁来构筑。To construct with such parallel horizontal beams.

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想要现在做些什么来构筑坚固的骨头吗?Want to do something right now to build strong bones?

禅境为设计构筑神圣的精神内核的判断。Zen build the spirit of the sacred core for the design.

卡雷什说,他还在中国进行过类似的构筑桥梁的努力。He has pursued the same type of bridge-building in China.

社会民主主义在她自身和灾难间构筑了一条壁垒。Social democracy is one bulwark between itself and disaster.

河岸梯田没有构筑,条畦种植也没有进行。Graded banks are not constructed nor is strip cropping practiced.

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告诉格兰特让GMU构筑工事苦守,等候我的号令再行开进。Tell Grant to keep the GMU dug in and wait for my word to move in.

是什么构筑了我们的梦,却又将它从我们身边带走?What is this thing that builds our dreams, yet slips away from us.

它的出现将窑炉的构筑,烧炼技术推向新水平。It pushed the technology of kiln firing and smelting to a new level.

上帝期待着以手机定位体例构筑他的神宇,手机定位找人软件们却带着石头赶来。While God waits for His temple to be built of love, men bring stones.

另一个限制炸弹,并且可能无法成功在构筑中某得一席之位。Another Limited bomb that probably won't make the jump to Constructed.

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如波浪起伏的竹顶棚,构筑了大厅里戏剧般的场景。The waved ceiling creates a dramatic visual expression within the hall.

他们在官府和百姓之间构筑了一个独立王国。They are among the officials and the people built an independent kingdom.

他们都是埃及最富有的家族所构筑的广阔的商业帝国的一部分。They are all part of the far-flung empire built by Egypt’s richest family.