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榴莲,我们都爱你。Durian, we all love you.

榴莲可以生吃。Durians can be eaten fresh.

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又爱又恨,又香又臭的榴莲!King of Fruit Love or Hate?

榴莲在梅子的旁边。The durians are beside the plums.

榴莲那股烈味道使厌。The strong durian smell repels me.

泰国处处都是榴莲。Durians are everywhere in Thailand.

荔枝和榴莲是较新的口味。Lichee and durian fruit are newer flavors.

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榴莲有很多瓣,我拿了最小的一瓣,啊!Durian many valve, I took the smallest one, ah!

你还没看到榴莲时,你就会知道它在那里了。Before you see the durian, you know it is there.

榴莲是马来西亚、印度尼西亚和汶莱的土特产。Durian is native to Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei.

你有一些榴莲吗?不,我没有一些榴莲。Have you got any durians No, I haven't got any durians.

我不喜欢榴莲,特别是那股浓烈的怪味。I don't like durians especially their strong odd smell.

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只不过榴莲永远是我们四连一班的榴莲。Durian will always be our only group of 4 with the durian.

然而,榴莲爱好者对无臭榴莲的发展前景大为恐惧。But durian lovers are horrified by the prospect of a no-smell durian.

但他只是想告诉我,他安排送榴莲给我。But actually he called to say he had arranged to send me some durians.

当时苏加诺总统拿了一个先咬了一口,然后把榴莲递给了赫鲁晓夫。President Sukarno picked up one, took a bite and handed it to Khruschev.

因为很饱,只尝了榴莲雪糕和水蟹粥。Because very satisfied, tasted a durian ice cream and water crab porridge.

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Songpol先生说,培育出来的榴莲新品种闻起来像香蕉,一点也不臭。The specially bred durian smells as inoffensive as a banana, Mr Songpol says.

“吃喝玩乐”团在马来西亚彭亨的农民家里品尝当地的榴莲。EDAF group go farmer's home at village of Pahang Malaysia to taste local duran.

为了对自己最爱的万果之王致意,吴教授还在南大校园里认植了一棵榴莲树。In homage to his favourite fruit, Prof Goh has adopted a durian tree on the NTU campus.