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这个歹徒罪行累累,罄竹难书。The scoundrel's crimes were too numerous to record.

汽车对城市犯下的罪真是罄竹难书啊!The urban sins of the automobile are numerous indeed.

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而暴力犯罪及腐败行为更是罄竹难书。Violent crime and corruption are also off the charts.

这个塑料小人的罪行真是罄竹难书。The charge-sheet against the pint-sized piece of plastic is long.

几十年来,萨达姆-侯赛因的残暴统治给这些油井带来的痛苦,可谓罄竹难书!"For decades, these oil wells have suffered untold misery under Saddam Hussein's tyrannical rule, " said U.

二战期间,日寇在玉山犯下了罄竹难书的滔天罪行,充分暴露他们的非人性。During the second World War, Japanese invaders committed monstrous crimes, which fully manifested their inhumanity.

但它在近半个世纪里,在这方面针对所有权人的累累罪恶罄竹难书。However, for over half a century, the regime has conducted enormous and indescribable crimes against property owners.

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而“地毯式的轰炸”更是让人恍恍惚惚﹐害处简直是“罄竹难书”。Furthermore, that the " carpet bombing "method puts people in a trance, and that their harms are simply too numerous to record.

汽车尾气恶臭难闻,单调旅途让人精神麻木,露天停车场挤占中央城区。汽车对城市犯下的罪真是罄竹难书啊!The stink of exhaust, the mind-numbing tedium of traffic, parking lots blighting central city real estate. The urban sins of the automobile are numerous indeed.

如此倒行逆施的后果是什么?真是罄竹难书!尽管如此,我们还是应当满中于指出最触目惊心的部分。What are the consequences of such a perversion? It would require volumes to describe them all. Thus we must content ourselves with pointing out the most striking.

中国历史上典型的以农民暴乱取得天下继而统治天下达三百年之久的是朱明王朝。其累累罪恶罄竹难书。China's history, a typical peasant riots in order to achieve the world and then rule the world over three hundred years old is Zhu Ming dynasty. His countless unspeakable evil.

但是如果大家觉得她应该为了一个恶毒的谎言而难逃惩罚时,耐风先生的行为可算是罄竹难书了。But if she is regarded as incapacitated enough to escape punishment for a vicious and harmful lie, then the behavior of Nifong in going forward on her slim testimony is all the worse.

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他说,伊朗的侵权行为“罄竹难书”,包括严格限制新闻记者、博客作者和教师的言论以及对宗教少数派的普遍迫害。He said the list of abuses there “goes on and on, ” including severe restrictions on speech that target journalists, bloggers and teachers, as well as widespread persecution of religious minorities.