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面向数值的算法语言?。VAL? Value – Oriented Algorithmic Language?

课程采用的算法语言?。Which programming languages does the course use?

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历史上,68算法语言来说这是一个好样的历史陷阱。Historically, Algol 68 is a good historic example for this kind of pitfall.

有限元语言是一种比目前的算法语言更高层次的语言。Finite element language is in a higher level than the current high-level languages.

对于算法语言来说,我们可以分别把语句、说明和表达式编成子程序。For algol, write one subprogram for statements, one for declarations and one for expressions.

在计算机上基本实现了由RADL算法语言到APLA程序语言的自动转换。Implement the automatic transformation from an algorithm described by RADL into an APLA program.

算法语言是一种组合用的电脑语言,主要在科学方面使用。Algol Short for Algorithmic language. A compiler language used mainly for scientific applications in computer.

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最后用MAPLE符号算法语言编写计算程序,给出了六维非线性系统的三阶规范形的具体形式。Then, a general six dimensional nonlinear system is analyzed to drive the formula of computing the third order normal form.

利用人工智能和算法语言的有机结合,较好地实现了磨矿工艺设计过程的计算机化。By combining intelligence and algorithmic language effectively, the computerization of the grinding process design has been completed.

按照此法,计算了多种立方金属元素的状态方程,给出了用基本FORTRAN算法语言编写的计算程序。Equations of state of several cubic metals are evaluated by this method. The computing program written in basic FORTRAN language is presented.

最后用MAPLE符号算法语言编写计算程序,给出了六维非线性系统的三阶规范形的具体形式。Finally, the MAPLE symbolic program for calculating the third order normal form is given. The concrete normal form of six dimensional nonlinear systems is obtained.

因此,它不同于目前已知的任何算法,具有数据结构简单、运算简便、速度快而对算法语言无特殊要求等优点。It has advantages of simplicity in data structure, rapidity in problem solving, as compared with other procedures, and needs no special requirements for algorithm languages.

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本文提供了用超音速源汇法计算任意三维机翼超音速厚度压强分布的算法语言程序。This paper presents a ALGOL program for calculating the thickness pressure distributions of arbitrary supersonic three dimensional wings by using the method of source singularities.