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仅因为自爱自恋就甘愿断子绝孙?Of his self-love, to stop posterity?

他是一个圆的儿子名叫维斯特利甘愿出个。He was a rounder's son named Westley.

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那一杯苦酒,我甘愿饮下,赞美它。God gae for baptism, I am fain to drink.

却甘愿一生固守清贫。On living a poor but clean life I insist.

本人甘愿她如今就着手做这项工作。I'd rather she set out to do the work now.

有多少帝王甘愿步下他们的王座?How many kings step down from their thrones?

抱起往真甘愿批准。爸爸、妈妈支的瑰丽婴女床。So cuddly. The beautiful crib from Mom and Dad.

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我甘愿辞职也不愿在那个老板手底下工作。I would sooner resign than work under that boss.

我甘愿写自我发展专题……I would write self-development articles for free.

他甘愿在经心筹备后去做陈诉。He prefers making speeches after careful preparation.

如果你爱上谁,你就甘愿敞开心胸承受痛苦。If you love someone, you open yourself up to suffering.

即使她是圈套里的诱饵,我也甘愿自投罗网。If she is the bait in the trap, I'm willing to spring it.

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为人民服务他们甘愿赴汤蹈火。They would go through fire and water to serve the people.

即使你甘愿放弃我也只有远走他乡。You would be a sweet surrender but I must go the other way.

如果试验不成功,我甘愿承认失败。If the experiment is not successful,I am ready to pack it in.

当有足够的人民甘愿帮助时,我们就会成功。When enough people are willing to help, then we will succeed.

为了我们的读者,我们甘愿做这样的傻事。We are willing to look like fools to test things for our readers.

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GLL希望其投资能产生收入,并甘愿为此付出高昂的代价。GLL wanted an income-generating investment, and it paid big for it.

小皇帝为何甘愿俯首称臣,跑到迈阿密辅佐热火老大韦德?Why to kneel dances, ran to the Miami heat boss wade affairs. this?

我渴望爱情但是却不懂她的深奥,我向往不平凡但是却甘愿默默无名。I strive for transcendence but I would rather be silent and nameless.