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他们是戍边将士,是我们的陌生人!They are the frontiers officers and men, is a stranger!

兵团职工是屯垦戍边的直接载体。The corps' workers are direct carrier of safeguarding the borders.

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兵团职工是屯垦戍边的直接载体。The corps' workers are direct cartier of safeguarding the borders.

芬丹一直担任戍边的任务,他曾经担任过出使贵国塔伦嘉德的宫廷特使。You know Findan who maintains our borders, he was emissary to your court at Talonguard.

加快推进新型团场建设,把屯垦戍边事业发展到一个新的历史阶段。Threrefore, we should speed up the construction and make the mission into a new historical stage.

明设九镇防边,一批戍边干才脱颖而出。Therefore, the nine fort towns were set up to defend the frontier, where some defending talents showed themselves.

他说,一旦可以自给自足,阿尔巴济诺的300多哥萨克后裔就可以从联邦边防军那里接手戍边任务。Once self-sufficient, he says, Albazino's 300-odd Cossack descendants can take over border duties from the federal guards.

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戍边军人家属受到优待,有可靠充足的生活保障。The military personnel and their family member of guards the border area favored treatment, they have the reliable sufficient social security.

据史料记载,中国历朝历代都把屯垦戍边作为开发边疆、巩固边防的一项重要国策。China has a centuries-old tradition of developing and protecting its border areas by stationing troops to cultivate and guard the frontier areas.

分析人士认为,李明博在韩军大规模军演当天视察戍边部队,对朝“示强”意味明显。Analysts believe that large-scale military exercises that day Lee Han Jun inspections in GARRISON forces against the DPRK, "said Strong" means obvious.

屯垦不仅促进和巩固了祖国统一,而且在实边戍边上起着举足轻重的作用。Settlement is promoted not only and consolidated the motherland is united, and the effect that having to hold the balance on edge of solid edge defend.

戍边弓箭兵多出身农民,为了逃离艰辛劳作而加入佣军作战,为愿意支付高价佣金的雇主效命沙场。Armenian Garrison Archers are peasants who have escaped their terrible lives to take up arms as mercenaries in the service of whomever is willing to pay.

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随着时代的变迁和“屯垦戍边”的逐步实施,内地人口渐次流入,促进了内地与塞外各民族文化的融合和交流。As time went by, people in the up-country gradually move to the borderland, which promote the unity and communication between Hans and minor nationalities.

宁古塔文化的内涵既独特又丰富,它主要是由满族文化、山林文化、戍边文化和流人文化等成分所构成。With unique and rich contents, it consists mainly of Manchu culture, mountain-forest culture, culture of garrisoning frontiers, and culture of exiles, etc.

在北方边境,皇帝派遣他最为信任的部队前往戍边,营造防御工事,以抵御数度入侵的戎狄。On the northern frontier, the emperor dispatched his most trusted general to reinforce and connect existing border barriers, creating a bulwark against nomadic marauders.

与此同时,在茶马贸易以及戍边军屯的带动下,河、湟、岷、洮地区的民族经济由最初的部落间经济扩大为区域经济最终融入到国家经济共同体中。In addition, the economy developed from initially an inter-tribal trade, under drove of the tea-horse trade and frontier army, to a district economy and finally nationwide.

弓箭手是北宋乡兵之一,由政府授田招募,其任务为协助禁军戍边与出征。Archers are militia members in the Northern Song, and were given farms and drafted by the government. Their mission was to aid the imperial army in border defense and fighting.

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本文从屯垦戍边的源流、屯垦戍边的目的、屯垦戍边文化价值三个方面对两汉时期西域屯垦的基本特征进行了揭示。The paper expounds the basic characteristics of the military reclamation in the Western Regions during the Han Dynasty from its origin, development, purposes and cultural value.