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这个优先的顺序,可能致使种畜不能满足维持能量需要。This order of priority may result in breeding animals failing to maintain themselves.

种畜、种禽应当达到国家规定的健康合格标准。Stud stock and breeding poultry shall be kept healthy up to the standards set by the state.

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你还得为原有的种畜付钱,之后,你将要支付大笔的种马费。You have to pay for the original breedingstock and later you'll have to pay large stud fees.

所选牛羊,全部办理畜牧局颁发的种畜合格证,做到一畜一证六手续。Selected cattle and sheep, all awarded for the livestock breeding stock certificate, a certificate to an animal six procedures.

由国家政府部门合作和牵头的种畜业务,一律签订正式购销合同。Second, by the state government departments and lead the breeding stock business, will be formally signed purchase and sale contracts.

云南省种羊繁育推广中心全体职工真诚期待您来参观、学习、选购种畜!All staff of the Yunnan Sheep & Goat Breeding Farm welcome your coming sincerely, either visit or select and purchase the breeding stock!

未来将视市场和发展需要,生产和销售集各种畜、水产饲料、农产品加工、水产品加工和养殖为一体的综合性企业。We will produce and sell every kind of animal and aquatic feeds, agriculture and aquatic processed products in order to keep abreast of market development.

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未来将视市场和发展需要,生产和销售集各种畜、水产饲料、农产品加工、水产品加工和养殖为一体的综合性企业。We will produce and sell every kind of animal and aquatic feeds, agricultural and aquatic processed products in order to keep abreast of market development.

第十五条动物饲养场应当及时扑灭动物疫病。种畜、禽应当达到国家规定的健康合格标准。Article15any animal farm should exterminate animal epidemics in time. stud stock and breeding poultry shall be kept healthy up to the standards set by the state.

随着精准农业思想在畜牧生产中的不断深入,种畜个体性能测定在种畜选种、育种中起到了关键的作用。With the constant deepening of the precise agricultural ideology in the production of pasturage, the test for breeder individual performance plays a key role in breeding.