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并且,我还开始面对丧夫寡居的生活。I was also facing life newly widowed.

女子若是年老寡居的,也能当祭司。Women can be priests, if they are old and widowed.

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那些寡居的妇女们可以通过卖这些服装赚一些钱。Widows would sell the shirts and make a little money.

但核心人物是寡居的祖母马里亚姆。But the dominant figure is the widow and grandmother, Maryam.

住在她们对面的黄色房子里的是她们寡居的嫡亲堂妹。Across the way their widowed first cousin lived in a yellow house.

在公路的对面,是她们寡居的表姐居住的一套黄色的房屋。Across the way their widowed first cousin lived in a yellow house.

里德先生寡居于偏僻的小村中却从未感到孤单。他有很多朋友。Mr Read lives alone in the lonely village, but he is never lonely.

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当遭遇离婚或寡居时,这将使她们在经济上非常脆弱。This leaves them economically vulnerable when divorce or widowhood strikes.

那时哈默曼女士66岁,寡居,有一个成年的儿子,决定将她偷渡到海滩。Hammerman, 66, a widow with a grown son, decided to smuggle her to the beach.

后来只得和寡居的曾曾孙女艾莉丝还有她两个女儿一块儿同住。After that she lived with a widowed great-granddaughter, Alice, and Alice's two little girls.

寡居多年的阿切尔太太与儿子、女儿住在西28街。Mrs. Archer, who had long been a widow, lived with her son and daughter in West Twenty-eighth Street.

结束了那段当初草率决定的婚姻后,她寡居的生活终于恢复到井井有条的状态。She finally had her life orderly again, after the end of a most ill-advised marriage and a blessed widowhood.

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她已经寡居了九年,然而我忙碌的工作和身为一个孩子父亲的责任,令我分身乏术,以致很少有时间和她相聚。She was alone for nine years, however, I was busy with my job and my only child, so I was less likely to visit her.

那位寡居的老太太实在太孤独乐,她会和在超市里遇到的陌生人唠唠叨叨地说上老半天她的宠物。The widowed old lady was so lonely that she would talk at length to the strangers in the supermarket about her pets.

德-耶稣生于1893年9月10日,57岁开始寡居,她六个子女中有三个先于她去世,她还有11个孙子女和16个重孙子女。Born Sept. 10, 1893, de Jesus was widowed at 57, outlived three of her six children, had 11 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren.

对于寡居效应的发现对于医务工作者来说并非新闻,他们早已观察了多起相似的案例。Findings on the widowhood effect don't come as news to medical professionals, who have observed similar patterns of increased mortality.

过去,单身的往往是那些二十几岁左右就结婚的自由职业者或年纪比较大的寡居老人。Once upon a time, people who lived alone tended to be those on either side of marriage-twentysomething professionals or widowed senior citizens.

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后来找来了三十多岁的寡居女人玉卿嫂,容哥一见就很快乐,她就这么走进了这家大户的宅门。Then seek to come to more than 30 years old widowed sister-in-law jade love a woman, let elder brother saw very happy, she so entered the large family it.

英国最新的调查表明,众多年过半百、寡居多年的英国人开始再次积极地寻找生命中的真爱。Hundreds of thousands of men and women in their fifties are having to look for love again, often after decades with one partner, according to new research.

影片记叙了方家的生活——一位寡居的母亲,儿子成为了一个富有的企业家,女儿被认为死于唐山。The film follows the lives of one family, the Fangs—a widowed mother, her son who becomes a rich entrepreneur, and the daughter they believe died in Tangshan.