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当眼儿渴望要一见你的尊容。When that mine eye is famished for a look.

他过去的那副尊容,只要你见过一次,无论什么时候你都不会忘记。He had a face that once you saw is never forgotten.

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试问见到阁下的尊容,谁还有胃口来吃东西啊?。How can I have appetite when I see your appearance?

他的一副尊容是,只要见过一次,就叫人再也记不起来的那一种。He has the sort of face that, once seen, is never remembered.

恐怕将你的尊容给别人,将你的岁月给残忍的人。Or you will give your honor to others, and your years to the merciless.

浮雕式边角设计,彰显尊容华贵。Bossed corner design brilliantly intensifies its features and luxurious appearance.

神恢复了尼布甲尼撒王的位子,甚至给他更多的尊容。God restored Nebuchadnezzar to his position, and even allowed him to have more honor.

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强壮乃少年人的荣耀,白发为老年人的尊容。The glory of youths is their strength, but the beauty of the aged is their gray hair.

她为什么要到这里来——谁需要她?她为什么不把她那副愚蠢的尊容留在家里?Why does she come here at all —who wants her? Why doesn't she keep her silly old mug at home?

游人千里迢迢,不惜车马游资前来度假,目的就是想借此机会,一睹非洲荒原狂野之狮的尊容。Tourists will spend thousands of dollars on safari vacations for the chance to see a lion in the wild.

家里所有的成员都收到全国各地打来的电话,告诉我们,他们在电视或报上看到了我们的尊容。成了公众人物多有趣噢!Family members from all across the country would call to say that they had seen us on TV or in the newspaper.

正是由于她的这副“尊容”,她总是很容易成为我们嘲笑和挖苦的对象。Because of her physical appearance, she was always an easy target for snickers and cruel jokes among students.

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明天我们要去胡里山炮台春游,一睹古炮大王的尊容。Tomorrow we're going to have spring outing. We're going to Huli Mountain Fortress to see the king of old cannon.

如今你快回本地去吧!我想使你得大尊容,耶和华却阻止你不得尊荣。Now leave at once and go home! I said I would reward you handsomely, but the Lord has kept you from being rewarded.

在不久前的一场婚礼上,凯特精心挑选的外套展现了她的准王妃尊容。Prince William's girlfriend displayed a positively royal touch when picking out an outfit to go to a recent wedding.

此情况发生两次以上,您的尊容将发表于公司的惯犯公告栏中。After your second offence, your picture will be posted on the company bulletin board under the "Chronic Offenders category".

游客南希·周被它这副尊容迷住了,连忙用相机拍下了猩猩“深沉”的一瞬间。Yewande's exploits were caught on camera by zoo visitor Nancy Chow who was amazed by the pose struck by the baby primate, the Daily Mail reported.

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即便能够亲临米兰的人也很难“一睹尊容”,参观标准越来越严格。Even those who get to Milan have a hard time gaining admission to see the "Last Supper." Visits have been made more difficult by measures to protect it.

这只三英寸长,有着一副宛如家里蟑螂一般的尊容的南亚大水虫,或者叫它田鳖,仅仅是食虫菜单上的许多道菜之一。The giant water bug, or Lethocerus indicus, a three-inch-long South Asian insect that looks uncannily like a local cockroach, is just one of the items on the menu of this bug-eating bacchanal.