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背井离乡的德国犹太裔文学经典重归故里German-Jewish Literary Culture Returns from Exile

到头来他会背井离乡,在自助食堂里洗碗碟。He'd end up an exile washing dishes at the automat.

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洪水冲破河堤,成千上万的人们背井离乡。Hundreds were flooded out when the canal burst its bank.

如今山寨手机早已背井离乡、甚至远离印度。Today, the shanzhai market has moved beyond China, and even India.

在2003年入侵伊拉克以来,暴力活动已令400万多伊拉克人背井离乡。The invasion of Iraq in 2003, and the violence since, has uprooted more than 4m Iraqis.

那些为了追逐梦想,背井离乡的人们通常被称为“漂一族”。Generally, those who depart from home in pursuit of their dreams are called the "floaters".

该机构发言人安娜·沙夫对美国之音说,他们中许多人已经多次背井离乡。ICRC Spokeswoman Anna Schaafe tells VOA many of these people have been displaced several times.

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19世纪90年代初,他在财政上出现了问题,这迫使他背井离乡,举家迁往欧洲。Financial problems forced him to close the house and relocate the family to Europe in the early 1890s.

这些人跟难民不同,他们没有离开自己的国家,但仍然要背井离乡。He says millions of uprooted people have been living in camps for decades with no prospect of going home.

这项工程使得数百万老百姓背井离乡,也坚定了郑永仁继续拍摄有关中国能源生产状况的决心。The dam project, which displaced millions, pushed Mr. Teh to carry on with the idea of energy production.

这些人跟难民不同,他们没有离开自己的国家,但仍然要背井离乡。They, unlike refugees have not crossed international borders, but remain uprooted in their own countries.

大部分吉普赛人背井离乡,不纯粹是为了工作,更是为了摆脱贫困和迫害。But most Roma leave their homelands in search not of work but of freedom from destitution and persecution.

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从人性角度,最显著的政策改变影响了在美国背井离乡的美裔古巴人的生活。In human terms the most striking changes affect Cuban-American families living in exile in the United States.

但政府的攻击迫使数以万计的人背井离乡,因为要把这片土地上的人清走为油田开路。But government attacks forced many more thousands out, as land was cleared of people to make way for oilfields.

班纳背井离乡来到了葡萄牙,现在一个装瓶厂工作,一边学习着如何控制自己的情绪,一边寻求治愈的方法。Banner is now working in a bottling plant and learning how to control his emotions while he searches for a cure.

他们正向国际社会求助,要求对这些不断增加的因战乱而背井离乡的巴基斯坦人提供帮助。They are appealing to the international community to help the growing number of Pakistanis uprooted by the fighting.

那些付诸行动的爱心人士把希望和生命的曙光带给背井离乡的人们。The humanitarians who carry out those actions bring hope and a piece of life back to those whose lives been uprooted.

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11世纪期间,也许是由于穆斯林入侵的缘故,他们背井离乡,再也没有回来。They left their homeland sometime during the 11th century, probably as a result of Muslim invasions, and have never returned.

他们说,由于气候变化而背井离乡的居民数量,将取决于国内和国际社会减少贫穷的努力。They say the number of people displaced by climate change will depend on national and international efforts to reduce poverty.

对那些想持有双重国籍又不忍背井离乡的巴基斯坦人,我更是毫无意见。I have no problems with those who want to hold dual citizenship but live in Pakistan because this is where their heart belongs.