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上帝那充满牢骚的召唤。God's querulous calling.

那条满是牢骚者的道路上也拥挤不堪。The path of whiners is full.

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别牢骚,来记口哨。Don't grumble, give a whistle.


牢骚埋怨只是劳动过程的一部分。Grousing is just part of working.

我们已经听厌了他的牢骚怪话。We are fed up with his grumbling.

你的牢骚我都听腻了。I'm sick and tired of your moaning.

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她牢骚不断,烦死人了。Her incessant whining drives me crazy.

那个雇员在小声发着牢骚。The employee was muttering complaints.

我们不理睬他们的牢骚。We closed our ears to their complaints.

你也不愿意碰到一个牢骚满腹的人吧。You don't want to come across as a whiner.

在美国五角大楼,它被称为“牢骚鬼”。It is called ‘a grumbler’ in the US Pentagon.

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这一名为“法国人是牢骚鬼吗?。The survey, entitled "Are the French moaners?"

在德克萨斯的两年值得你发多少牢骚?How much squawking is two years in Texas worth?

是我还是大卫维特牢骚太多?Is it me or does Dave Winer just whine too much?

我没空听她那没完没了的牢骚。I am too busy to listen to her endless grievances.

要知道,许多中国人正在发他们的统治者的牢骚。Plenty of Chinese have grouses about their rulers.

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但是大多数都是被伤透了心的牢骚抱怨。But a majority of the complaints are broken hearts.

你能不能一整天都不发一句牢骚?Could you go without griping about anything for a day?

道格拉斯你知道吗,你是一个牢骚满腹的家伙。you know what, douglas? you are a real boring whinger.