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我是一个机械钳工。I am a mechanician.

所有车辆机械。All vehicle is mech.

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机械木浆。Mechanical wood pulp.

那便是机械学理论。The Theory of Mechanism.

增加机械加工性能。To improve machinability.

电动平车起重机械的一种。Electric flat car a lifting.

移除钟面和机械结构。Remove clock face and mechanism.

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我需要以下机械。I need the following machineries.

这真是个机械上的奇迹。It really is a mechanical marvel.

锁紧松脱的机械元件。Lock loose mechanical components.

尖轨和转辙机械。A sharp rail and Switch machinery.

皮带式输送机是起重机械的一种。Leather belt is a kind of lifting.

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恩,这样子有点机械。Well, it is going to be mechanical.

广西柳工机械股份有限公司。Guangxi Liugong Machinery Co. , Ltd.

手推搬动车是起重机械的一种。Hand moving car is a kind of lifting.

液压登车桥是小型起重机械的一种。Hydraulic dock ramp is a small crane.

吊运机是起重机械的一种。Lifting machine is a kind of lifting.

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深圳市高松机械有限公司。Shenzhen City Takamatsu Machinery Co.

感谢您选择建德机械。Thank you for using Kentak machinery.

我们一起看书,谈论机械。We looked at books, talked mechanics.