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粤绣和蜀绣,对吧?Yue embroidery and Shu embroidery, right?

1915年后,粤绣作品在巴拿马国际博览会等国际赛会上多次获得大奖。Since 1915, the work of Yue embroidery garnered several awards at the Panama Expo.

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1915年后,粤绣作品在巴拿马国际博览会等国际赛会上多次获得大奖。Since 1915, the work of Yue embroidery garnered several awards at the Panama Expo.

粤绣在长期的发展过程中,受到各民族民间艺术的影响,在兼收并蓄、融会贯通的基础上,逐渐形成了自身独特的艺术风格。Influenced by national folk art, Yue embroidery formed its own unique characteristics.

粤绣具有丰富而复杂的设计,鲜艳的色彩和强烈的装饰效果。The Yue Embroidery is rich and complicated in design with bright colors and strong decorative effects.

粤绣,其中包括广州,潮州刺绣刺绣,具有与李博科一脉相承。Yue Embroidery, which encompasses Guangzhou Embroidery and Chaozhou Embroidery, has the same origin as Li Brocade.

中国刺绣主要有苏绣、湘绣、蜀绣和粤绣四大门类。Chinese embroidery are Suzhou embroidery, Hunan embroidery, Sichuan embroidery and Guangdong embroidery four categories.

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苏绣以其极为精美的绣品而闻名,湘绣以其富丽的颜色而知名,粤绣则以其复杂的花样而家喻户晓。Suzhou embroidery is famous for its extremely delicate stitches, Xiang for its rich colors, Yue for its complicated patterns.

在种类上粤绣可分为绒绣、线绣、金银线绣三类,品种包括戏服、厅堂装饰、联帐、采眉、挂屏和各种日用绣品等。Floss, thread and gold-and-silk thread embroidery are used to produce costumes, decorations for halls and crafts for daily use.

虽然众多设计中,在粤绣中最常见的是鸟崇拜太阳,飞龙和凤凰。Though a wide range of designs, the most common oneson the Yue Embroidery are birds worshipping the Sun , the dragons and the phoenixes.

刺绣是一门在织物穿针引线构成图案美感的手工艺术,而作为粤绣分支的潮绣更具有独特的审美意蕴。Embroider is a handicraft which shows flawless technique on constitute pattern. Considered as a branch of Guangdong embroider has its unique beauty.

粤绣也称“广绣”,它是出产于广东省广州、潮州、汕头、中山、番禺、顺德一带刺绣品的总称。Also called Guang embroidery, Yue embroidery is a general name for embroidery products of the regions of Guangzhou, Shantou, Zhongshan, Fanyu and Shunde in Guangdong Province.

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明清时封建王朝的宫廷绣工规模很大,先后产生了苏绣、粤绣、湘绣、蜀绣,号称“四大名绣”。Ming and Qing dynasty when the feudal palace embroidered for a large scale, and has produced a Suxiu, Guangdong, embroidery, Xiangxiu, Shu embroidery, known as "the four were embroidered."

我会在广州、澳门、香港、悉尼等地举办过中国书画、粤绣、竹刻、雕塑以及濒临失传的民间工艺品等民族艺术展览共计十多次。Chinese calligraphy, Cantonese embroidery, bamboo carving, sculpture and some folk art which is in danger of extinction, have been exhibited for many times in Guangzhou, Macau, Hong Kong and Sydney.