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详细检查首次发运鉴定的计量型数据。Review in detail the FPSC variable data.

请按货到付款条件发运下列商品。Please send us the following items C. O. D.

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那不勒斯一家公司发运给我们一卡车梅干。A firm in Naples has sent us a truck-load of prunes.

你方将怎么样发运货物,铁路还得海运?How do you love the bads dispatched, by railway or by sea?

她忙前忙后地帮我们发运行李,买好了车票。She was busy with checking in luggage and buying tickets for us.

珠子应当在工厂安装,装上框子后发运。Beads shall be fitted at the factory and delivered attached to frames.

短装的货物将与你方下一批订货一道发运。The short-shipped goods will be forwarded together with your next order.

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由于我方客户急需此货,希望你方尽早发运。for our clients need the items urgently. we hope that you deliver it asap.

这些集装箱在发运之前接受当地海关官员的检查。Those containers receive an inspection by local customs officials before departure.

现发现你方所发运的我们630号订单货物短重220公斤。Your shipment of our Order No. 630 has been found short in weight by 220 Kilograms.

我们深信你方将会作出必要的安排,以便货物及时发运。We trust that you will make all necessary arrangements to deliver the goods in time.

“安排那批货物的发运事先需要详细的计划,”他说。“The arrangements for that shipment will require detailed advance planning, ” he said.

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由于贵方订货的商品尚有存货,利公司将必定尽快发运。As the goods you ordered afe now in stock, we will ship them without fail as early as possible.

我们已发运贵方所订购的印度小地毯,预计下周5抵达贵港。We have dispatched your order for Indian rugs which are scheduled to arrived at your port next Friday.

在紧急情况发生之前发运或商业化包装的食品不会受到影响。Food that was dispatched or commercially packaged before the emergency situation would not be affected.

你方上周发运的货物质量与我方上次所订的货物质量相比,要低劣得多。The quality of the goods you shipped last week is much interior to that of the goods of our last order.

为了便于我方备货装船,希望允许分批发运。To make it easier for us to get the goods ready for shipment, we hope that partial shipment is allowed.

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据住房和城乡建设部报告,截至26日,四川灾区过渡安置房已安装1600套、正安装4000套、待安装7200套,生产地已发运14400套、待发运26000套。As of Monday, 1,600 temporary homes had been set up in the quake zone and 4,000 were under construction.

泰国邮政部门称,目前约有24万件、总重23吨的邮件等待发运。Thailand's postal service says it has 23 metric tons, or 240,000 pieces of mail waiting to be delivered.

太原市三兴煤炭气化有限公司始建于1988年,从煤炭发运、型煤制品开始起步。The coal gasification taiyuan Co. , LTD was founded in 1988, coal, coal shipments from the start products.